Most charged Spanish themes on Enem

Do you want to know what the themes that appear the most in the Enem Spanish test? Then this text is for you.

Spanish is the foreign language most chosen by those who will take the And either. The test has five questions, which assess reading comprehension of different textual genres. This means that, in addition to grammatical knowledge, it is necessary to understand reading strategies, textual genre structures, discursive intentionality and, in the case of Spanish, knowledge related to the cultural universe of the countries Spanish speakers. So don't wait for questions that ask you to identify verb modes or grammatical classes. You should focus on text interpretation techniques and have a good reading level in Spanish.

Between the most demanded skills and competences are:

  • association between theme and title, based on the global understanding of the proposal;

  • identification of express information;

  • recognition of the intent of the text or genre.

According to microdata from the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep, 2016), 62% of students who take Enem choose Spanish because of its supposed easy, but

only 34% get all the questions right. This is because, despite being a sister language to Portuguese (both came from Latin), Spanish works with a structure distinct, and this proximity can become a difficulty if the student does not dedicate himself to study and only leans on the similarities.

With that in mind, we prepared a collection of topics that are most covered in the Spanish test at Enem. In each of them, we will analyze questions from previous exams, which you can access on this link. Come on? ¡Échale ganas!

Read too: Six ways to study for Enem online

Summary of the most demanding Spanish subjects in the Enem test

  • Spanish and English are the two foreign languages ​​offered in Enem.

  • The student selects the language when registering.

  • There are five foreign language questions.

  • The focus is on text interpretation.

  • Despite the similarities, Spanish and Portuguese are different languages. Therefore, one must focus on the structure and understanding of the organization of that language.

  • Cultural allusions play an essential role in the Spanish test.

  • The texts are in a foreign language, while the questions are in Portuguese.

  • The most common genres in the test are news, comics, cartoons, poems, fragments of novels and advertisements.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Better understanding the Spanish test at Enem

The National Secondary Education Examination (Enem) is currently one of the main means of access to university in Brazil. Held annually, this test brings together thousands of young people who, for two days, answer 180 questions, divided equally by area of ​​knowledge, and prepare an argumentative essay.

THE foreign language is also part of Enem and is covered in the area of ​​Languages ​​and its Technologies. The student can choose between two options when registering: Spanish or English. On the day of the exam, the questions related to the two languages ​​will be in the question book, but the student must answer only those related to the previously selected language.

What is generally expected is that the student:

  • meet the Spanish language and use it as an instrument to access information and other cultures and social groups;

  • associate words and expressions from a Spanish text to its theme;

  • use the knowledge of Spanish and its mechanisms as a way to expand the possibilities of access to information, technologies and cultures;

  • relate a Spanish text to its linguistic structures, function, and social use;

  • recognize the importance of cultural production in the Spanish language as a representation of cultural and linguistic diversity.

More specifically, what is often charged is:

  • association between theme and title based on the overall understanding of the proposal;

  • identification of express information;

  • recognition of the intent of the text or genre.

IMPORTANT: the questions do not privilege domain over grammar and lexicon in a decontextualized way. These are always at the service of the overall comprehension of the text.

These skills and competences are covered in different textual genres, the most common being news, comics, cartoons, poems, advertisements and fragments of novels.

Read too: Themes that most fall on Enem

What is the most charged in the Enem Spanish test?

  • Association between theme and title based on global understanding of the proposal

In these types of questions, it is important to understand that the title is a way of narrowing down the content that will be treated in the text. In turn, the theme will be the subject of the text.

Note the following issue from Enem 2010:

Quitting smoking is fattening, but keep doing it, too. This is the conclusion to which researchers from the University of Navarre have been found, who have followed up on 7,565 people for 50 months. The data “if adjusted for age, sex, initial body mass index and lifestyle”, ha explained by the director of the essay, Javier Basterra-Gortari, because “the only factor that falls is smoking". The study has been published in the Revista Española de Cardiología.

“Tobacco is an anorectic [quita el appetite], and for those people who want to smoke fat”, añade Basterra-Gortari. This is much more relevant to the hallazgo of the studio. Put in order, those who gain more weight are those who want to smoke, those who continue to smoke, and, finally, those who have never smoked, indicates the researcher. “That's why it's the best way to maintain a healthy life and never smoke,” he added.

BENITO, E. Available in: Accessed on: 23 Apr. 2010 (fragment).

The journalistic text is basically characterized by presenting information about the most varied subjects, and its title anticipates the topic that will be dealt with. Based on the fragment, which proposition identifies the central theme and could be used as a title?

a) Lifestyle interferes with weight gain.

b) Study shows smokers' life expectancy.

c) People who smoke can become anorexic.

d) Smokers gain more weight than non-smokers.

e) Smoking as a weight loss factor.


The question asks the student to create a relationship between the theme of the text and the title proposed in the alternatives. Throughout the text, it is concluded that ex-smokers are those who gain the most weight, followed by those who continue smoking and by those who have never smoked. Therefore, the correct alternative is the letter D.

  • Identification of express information

It is expected that the student will find punctual information in the text. Let's look at the following question, also from Enem 2010:

electronic voting machine

The system that has been using an electronic ballot box with numeric keypad for the emission of the vote. It has special buttons for confirmation and printing of initial minutes with activation by key. The electronic ballot box is a personal computer with a specific use that has the following characteristics: resistant, small in size, light, with autonomous sources of energy and power resources. security The most outstanding feature of the Brazilian system is that it allows the unification of the registration and verification of the identity of the voter, the emission and the counting of votes in a single machine.

Electronic voting in Brazil. Available in: Accessed on: 12 Apr. 2009 (adapted).

By observing the image and reading the text about electronic voting in Brazil, it is identified as a theme

a) the functionality of computers, through keywords keyboard, buttons, printing, electronics and computer.

b) the evolution of modern machines, through keywords keyboard, buttons, electronics, energy and machine.

c) information security, through keywords electronics, key, security, verification and identity.

d) the Brazilian electronic voting system, through keywords ballot box, keyboard, vote, buttons and voter.

e) the mathematical language, through the keywords numeric, key, small, dimension and energy.


The text has an informative function, focused on explaining how the Brazilian voting system works. Therefore, the theme it deals with is expressed in the letter D.

  • Recognition of text intent or genre

This topic is more present in issues with genres in the argumentative sphere or in advertisements. Let's look at three questions. The first is from the 2011 Enem:

question 1

Unmask the tourism

This is a common place to listen to what you need to clean up tourism in Peru and look for visitors in other places attractions (and many) in the country, natural and archaeological, but the Inca city has a magnet undeniable. La Cámara Nacional de Turismo considers that Machu Picchu means 70% of the tickets for tourism in Peru, and that every tourist who has the Inca city as a first destination visit between three and five more places (Cuzco city, Arequipa city, Nazca coastline, Lake Titicaca and the jungle) and visit the country for an average of 2,200 dollars (about 1 538 euros).

Carlos Canales, president of Canatur, signaled that the city has the capacity to receive more visitors who visit the actuality (a maximum of 3000) with a planned system of schedules and routes, but I didn't want to advance one cipher. Without embargo, Unesco has warned on several occasions that the monument is located near the saturation point and the The government must not undertake any policy of capturing new visitors, something that the vice-minister Roca coincides with King

Available in: Accessed on: June 21 2011.

The report in the Spanish newspaper shows the concern with a problem in Peru, which can be summarized by the word “to demachupizar”, referring to

a) the shortage of tourists in the country.

b) the difficult access to Lake Titicaca.

c) the destruction of archeology in the country.

d) the excess of tourists in the land of the Incas.

e) the lack of tourist attractions in Arequipa.


An report it has an informative and often opinionated function. Despite the attempt to maintain a certain discursive neutrality, this genre can, through data or discursive strategies, expose certain points of view. In the case of this article, the answer to the question is in the first paragraph, in which it is pointed out that “demachupizing” tourism in Peru is a recurrent issue. The text uses synonymous terms for the place: “inca ciudadela”, which leads us directly to the correct answer, that is, the letter C.

The next question is from the 2019 Enem:

question 2

Millennials: as it is the generation that you do not remember as the world was without internet

Some of them call the Y generation, others 'Millennials', the millennium generation or even 'Echo Boomers'.

They were born between the 80s and the last decade, they grew up in an era of rapid development of new technologies, and lost as it was in the world without the Internet.

They are idealistic, impatient and are academically prepared. Many of them have had the opportunity to travel around the world to an early age, to study at the best universities and to work in multinational and foreign companies.

Among its characteristics, researchers highlight the lack of maturity, individualism, high expectations, confidence in oneself, inflated self-esteem and the need for comfort. But at the same time, there are also features such as the ability to adapt to new conditions and changing habitat and work, so as to grow quickly and solve various problems simultaneously.

La generación Y is composed of this type of personas who want all the time. You are not willing to support a little interesting and routine work, not wanting to leave the good things for play. What if you want to want your life in history, live an interesting life, be part of something big, grow and develop, change the world that surrounds them, and earn money on the ground.

Available in: Accessed on: 4 Dec. 2018.

The text points out the characteristics and interests of “Generation Y”. In it, the expression give your huella refers to one of the desires of this generation, which is to

a) know different places.

b) make a difference in the world.

c) seize every opportunity.

d) obtain an academic training of excellence.

e) achieve good placements in the world of work.


The expression give your huella means leave your mark/digital. The aim of the text is to define and analyze what the Millenials generation is like, a generation whose main interest is to make a difference in the world, which is explicit in the last paragraph, where the expression is used. So the correct answer is the letter C.

Finally, let's analyze an issue with advertising text, from Enem 2015:

question 3

Poster which reads " if you fall my aparcamiento, quédate my disability. Do not increase mis bars"

Accessibility is an issue of relevance in both the public and private spheres. In the poster, the exploration of this theme highlights the importance of

a) encourage wheelchair users to overcome barriers.

b) respect the parking for wheelchair users.

c) identify spaces reserved for wheelchair users.

d) eliminate obstacles for the movement of wheelchair users.

e) facilitate the movement of wheelchair users in parking lots.


Advertising text makes constant use of the function injunctive, that is, it tries to lead the reader to adopt a certain behavior. The poster clearly seeks to criticize non-disabled people who use parking spaces for people with disabilities (PwD). As expressed in the poster, these spaces, whose function is to facilitate the mobility of PwDs, are often used illegally by people who do not need them. This misuse may seem innocent, but what happens in practice is the increase in mobility barriers for those people. Therefore, the statement on the poster is quite incisive, making use of the imperative mode: “If you take my parking space, take my disability as well. Don't raise my barriers.” As the goal is awareness, the correct alternative is the letter B.

  • Spanish speaking cultures

The Spanish language test brings an important collection of cultural elements, especially those related to Latin America and, more recently, Hispanic immigration to the United States. In this sense, literary fragments, poems, lyrics and cartoons are frequently analyzed. Let's look at two issues. The first is from the 2012 Enem.

question 1


They buried him in the heart of a pine forest
yes without embargo
the peg coffin was imported from Ohio;
Bury it on the edge of a hierro mine
yes without embargo
the keys of his coffin and the hierro de la pala
fuerons imported from Pittsburg;
They buried it together with the best pasture of ovejas in the world
yes without embargo
the ribbons of the festoons of the coffin were from California.
He was buried in a New York costume,
a pair of Boston shoes,
a Cincinatti shirt
and some socks from Chicago.
Guatemala in the funeral facility,
except the corpse.

* Paraphrase of a famous North American text.

NOGUERAS, L. A. The quince thousand lives of the walker. La Habana: Unea, 1977.

The text by Luis Rogelio Nogueras makes a critique

a) a nation's dependence on foreign products.

b) unequal trade between Guatemala and the United States.

c) the poor quality of Guatemalan goods.

d) difficulties in holding a funeral.

e) the lack of natural resources in Guatemala.


O poem de Nogueras tells of a person who died and is going to be buried in Guatemala. It is not known who this person is, only that it is a male subject, expressed by the complement pronoun it. This is because the focus of the poem is not the identity of the deceased, but the elements used in the wake. The intention is to criticize Guatemala, which, despite having the raw material for the production of the artifacts mentioned in the poem (casket, socks, shirt, shoes), exports them. In this sense, the correct alternative is the letter a.

The next issue is from the 2017 Enem.

question 2

Here I am established,

In the United States,

Say años pasaron ya,

What a crucé de mojado,

Unopened papers,

I'm still being illegal.

I have my wife and my friends,

Que los muy chicos costumes,

Y if you have forgotten ya,

From my dear Mexico,

Of what yo never forget me,

Y cannot return.


Mis hijos in the hablan with me,

Another Han language learned,

Y forgotten Spanish,

Piensan as Americans,

Niegan who are Mexican,

Aunque tengan my color.

LOS TIGRES DEL NORTH. Cage of gold. Woodland Hills, California: Fonovisa, 1986 (fragment).

The song lyrics bring into play a dilemma sometimes experienced by immigrants. This dilemma is configured in the father's feeling in relation to (to)

a) dilution of their Latin American identity, arising from daily contact with the other.

b) distancing from the children, generated by the appropriation of the other's language and culture.

c) ethnic-racial prejudice suffered by Mexican immigrants in the new country.

d) desire to integrate into the new culture and communicate in another language.

e) shame before the children of living illegally in another country.


The question deals with a common theme in the lives of immigrants with children who grow up in the United States: identity formation and identification. The concern of the lyrical self lies in the fact that their children deny their own origin — Mexicans — and do not want to learn the Spanish language. In this sense, there is a distancing that leads to the denial of culture in favor of the other's culture. Therefore, the correct alternative is the letter B.

Video lesson on how to study Spanish for Enem

Important linguistic elements to be studied

Finally, focus on those linguistic topics that may be a little difficult for Brazilian students, such as

The) indefinite past tense

B) Perfect past tense composite

ç) The subjunctive present

d) Discursive organizers (or conjunctions)

and) exchange verbs

f) false cognates

Also try to read texts in Spanish. Some sites are:

  • the country

  • BBC

  • bugle

  • Public domain

Image credits

[1] Julio Ricco /

By Renata Martins Gornattes
Spanish teacher

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