The "army" of São Paulo

In its origins, the Brazilian Republic had a strong relationship with the development of the country's military institutions. The victory in the Paraguayan War was a decisive event for the military to be recognized and recognized as members of a vital group for the national order. Not by chance, it was the very ones who carried out the plan that overthrew the Brazilian monarchy and created our current regime.
From 1894 onwards, civilians ended the presence of the military in the presidential office, putting an end to the so-called “Republic of the Sword”. This perhaps marked a visible devaluation of the group at the time. However, around 1909, a decision by the São Paulo government heated up the debate on the place of the military in politics. At that time, São Paulo's political representatives decided to create a program to improve their police forces.
More than a simple security action, the measure would serve so that the oligarchies that controlled the political scenario in São Paulo did not suffer retaliation from colonels from other locations. Some leaders of the Brazilian Army, mostly stationed in the city of Rio de Janeiro, believed that the measure was unreasonable. After all, it would not be very coherent to establish a training program for a local force that is superior to that of the Armed Forces themselves.

To command this program, the authorities of São Paulo summoned a celebrated French colonel named Paul Balagny. With extensive experience in battlefields in Tunisia, Indochina and Algeria, the military established a training focused on combat. To some extent, the choice of this kind of aggressive and intimidating philosophy reflected those times well. Our republic was far from being representative and, for this reason, the elites surrounded themselves with all instruments of power.
The soldiers who made up this force had daily physical training that included running, riding, wrestling, shooting and fencing exercises. Due to the improvement, a Physical Education School was created and several techniques developed in the First World War were passed on to the members of that corporation. In 1920, the paulistas also had the service of carrier pigeon and their own air force.
Despite the improvements, the presence of French officers was also the target of some criticism. Some made joking jokes saying that the São Paulo military would end up contaminated by the fine treatment of their European instructors. Furthermore, the relationship between French commanders and soldiers in training was marked by some situations of conflict and insubordination. Despite the improvements, the so-called “Paulista army” was remodeled after the 1930 Revolution.
By Rainer Sousa
Graduated in History
Brazil School Team

20th century - wars - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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