Obesity it is a chronic disease that can be defined as the excessive accumulation of fat in a person's body. Obesity is usually determined based on the body mass index (BMI), but this index is not always correct, with some limitations. Obesity is a problem that has been affecting a large portion of the population and is far from being just an aesthetic issue, being a risk factor for diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.
The causes of obesity are varied, but eating habits play a big role in the development of this problem. Healthy eating and regular practice of physical activities can prevent obesity as well as play a key role in its treatment.
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Why have obesity cases increased?
Society has changed, and with it our habits. However, this change was not beneficial to our body. At kids, for example, hardly practice physical activities, spending a great deal of time on their computers and smartphones. THE food also losesu quality, being based, in a large portion of the families, on
fast food and industrialized products. The consequence of these attitudes is the growing increase in obesity in the population, including children.According to the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, the Brazil has approximately 18 million people considered obese. Also according to society, if we consider overweight individuals, the amount reaches 70 million, the double of three decades ago.
Causes of obesity
Obesity is characterized by an increase in body fat and can be triggered by different factors, such as endocrine dysfunctions, patrimony genetic of an individual or imbalance between the amount of food ingested and energy expenditure. This last factor is quite common.
In light of the above, it is clear that, as it has different causes, it is often not enough to just control the food, it is necessary to see a doctor so that he can assess what is causing obesity in the individual. Endocrine problems, for example, must be properly treated by an endocrinologist, as this is the only way to reverse obesity.
consequences of obesity
Obesity is related to serious health problems, such as stroke (stroke), increased blood pressure, diabetes, atherosclerosis, cancer, lung problems, orthopedic problems, among others. Obesity is also related to the development of psychological problems, which can, for example, trigger depression and reduced self-esteem.
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Body Mass Index (BMI)
To find out if an adult is obese, a relatively simple calculation is made: the Body Mass Index (BMI). Based on this calculation, which is done dividing an individual's weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared, it is possible to determine whether or not the person is overweight.
According to the reference values, when the BMI is greater than 25 kg/m2, the individual is overweight. If the value is greater than 30 kg/m2, the patient is obese and, consequently, has greater risks of developing heart disease, diabetes and hypertension.
According to the BMI, we can classify obesity into mild, moderate and severe or morbid. Individuals who have a BMI between 30-34.9 kg/m2 are considered patients with mild obesity. Patients with BMI 35-39.9 kg/m2 are moderately obese. Those with severe or morbid obesity, on the other hand, are those with a BMI above 40 kg/m2.
It is noteworthy, however, that the BMI cannot differentiate what is lean mass (fat free) from what is actually fat mass. Thus, people with developed muscles, for example, could be considered obese. We can therefore conclude that the calculation of BMI must be accompanied by an assessment of other factors. To learn more about the topic of this topic, read: IMC.
obesity treatment
Obesity is a serious disease and must be treated effectively. It is a complex problem that needs detailed medical evaluation. Obesity can usually be treated through three methodologies: dieting, use of medications and surgery. The method chosen depends a lot on each person's health status.
It is worth noting that, for the treatment to be successful, it is essential that the patient bears in mind that this problem may have serious consequences, and may even lead to death, and that changes in lifestyle should be permanent.
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Tips to prevent obesity
As we have seen throughout the text, obesity is a chronic disease that can have different causes. Although several factors are involved in its development, the adoption of some simple measures can prevent its emergence and help the individual to maintain their proper weight. See some tips below:
Reduce your consumption of oils, fats and sugars.
Include minimally processed foods or in nature, for example, fruits, vegetables, vegetables and whole foods.
Eat in suitable places, avoiding, for example, eating in front of the television. This habit can cause you to eat quickly, leading to excessive consumption.
Practice physical activities regularly.
Have a more active life by adopting measures such as going up the stairs instead of using an elevator, using a bicycle instead of a car, or even, whenever possible, taking short distances on foot.
See your doctor regularly and have your routine checkups.
Heads up: If you think you are overweight, see your doctor and see a nutritionist. Only these professionals are able to assess the case and indicate ways to improve health. Going on diets without recommendation can worsen the condition and trigger other problems. Stay tuned!