III War of Kashmir (1971)

Unlike the first two conflicts that marked the question of Kashmir, the Third Kashmir War did not develop because of the political status of the region. The region of Pakistan, until the presence of England, was divided into West Pakistan and East Bengal. With the decolonization process, the new Pakistani nation was balanced in the dispute for power between the representatives of these two old regions.
In the 1970 elections, the impasse generated by the lack of political agreement between the two political groups motivated a military intervention on East Bengal, where the Pakistanis carried out a brutal offensive killing the main political and intellectual leaders of the region. Dissatisfied with this attitude, East Pakistan decided to proclaim its independence in March 1971.
With the beginning of an intense civil war in Pakistan, a large number of civilians from East Pakistan decided to take refuge in Indian territory. The Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, realizing the dimensions of that process of occupation of refugees, concluded that it would be better to declare war against Pakistan. To counter the Pakistanis, India supported the creation of an independent country controlled by the Bengalis. In addition, he decided to infiltrate several Indian officials among the separatist groups that opposed the Pakistani government.

This conflict was marked by a series of air strikes prepared by both sides. Taking advantage of the conflict, Pakistan opened fronts across the territory of Kashmir and Punjab during the battles. Even trying to outwit the Indian military superiority, the Pakistanis did not resist for long. After besieging Dhaka, the Pakistani capital, Pakistani troops announced a ceasefire. Soon after, the rest of the Indian and Pakistani troops retreated, putting an end to the conflicts of the Third War.
In 1972, after the outbreak of conflicts, the authorities of India (Indira Gandhi) and Pakistan (Zulfikar Ali Bhutto) decided to meet. Even though the question of Kashmir was not the main reason for the third war, the political position of both countries on the region was intensely discussed. After the negotiations, the two countries pledged not to rehearse any kind of military measure to resolve the Kashmir issue.

20th century - wars - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/guerras/iii-guerra-caxemira.htm

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