Tree Day: characteristics and importance of trees

Tree day is celebrated in Brazil on the day September 21st. This date, which was chosen because it is close to the beginning of the spring, aims to make all members of society aware of the importance of trees for the environment and also for us, human beings. In this text, we'll show you a little about your features and some examplesof use of them by human beings.

Characteristics of trees

The trees have a trunk-like stalk, and their crown can be seen at the top.

As we know, trees are organisms belonging to the kingdomPlante, that is, the kingdom of vegetables. These organisms are able to performphotosynthesis, as well as most of the other beings found in the group. In the process of photosynthesis, trees are able to absorb sunlight and carbon dioxide from the air and, during the process, release oxygen gas.

See too:oxygen cycle

The term tree is not used to refer to all groups of plants. The trees are characterized by being large woody plants which have a stem of the type stem. The trunk of trees has no branches at the bottom, the upper part is hardwood and forms the so-called

Cup. The tree is said to be low cup when it occupies more than 50% of its total height, as well as it is high cup when it occupies less than 50% of the total height.

Read too: biggest tree in the world

Importance of trees

Trees are essential for the environment and, consequently, for the balance of our planet. In addition, many trees have economic applicability, being widely used by human beings. Below we will mention some important functions of trees for the environment and for humanity.

for the environment

Trees provide shelter for a number of animals.
  • They serve as a shelter for a large number of living beings. Many animals live in these places, such as the birds;

  • Capture carbon dioxide from atmosphere, functioning as carbon reservoirs;

  • They provide food for many living organisms, including humans;

  • help to avoid erosion from soil;

  • They are responsible for improving the relative humidity due to evapotranspiration. Forest trees release large amounts of water through evaporation, helping to build up rainfall and regulate water. climate;

  • Provide shade that helps to reduce the temperature of the environment.

For Humanity

  • They supply wood, which is used as a raw material for the construction of furniture and houses;

  • They provide cellulose, which is used in papermaking;

  • Some have important components that can be used in the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics;

  • They help to stop noise, being important in urban areas.

We therefore realized that trees are essential for our planet. Therefore, it is essential to preserve them, encourage reforestation campaigns, and also teach people about the importance of these living beings through the environmental education.

Read too:Oxygen production by algae and trees

Trees used by humans

See below some trees that have economic use:

Many trees have fruits that are used commercially.
  • Cocoa: its fruit is used in the food and cosmetics industry, which is the raw material for chocolate.

  • Mangoba: produces fruits that are consumed by human beings. These can be consumed in nature and used, for example, to make juices and ice cream. Its wood is also used to make firewood.

  • Yellow Ipe: its wood is used in civil construction.

  • Brazil wood: gave our country its name and was widely exploited in the past. It has high commercial value wood. Today this wood is used to make violin bows.

  • Araucaria: is threatened with extinction that has wood of economic value. This tree also produces seeds, called pine nuts, which serve as food.

  • Araribá: it has wood with great economic value, used, for example, in civil and naval construction, carpentry and joinery.

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