Halloween: origin, history, games, costumes and symbols

O Halloween (or Halloween) it's day October 31st. Its tradition is quite strong in countries like the United States, Ireland and Canada, where children in scary costumes go door to door in order to earn sweets.

The party became popular all over the world. In Brazil, its commemoration dates back about 20 years, having been disseminated mainly by language schools.

Origin of Halloween

Halloween originated with the Celtic people, who celebrated the festival of Samhain, a tribute to the king of the dead. On this occasion, whose festival lasted 3 days (starting on October 31), the abundance of the year's harvests was appreciated.

halloween scenery

According to scholars, as it was a pagan festival, in the eighth century the church changed the calendar in an attempt to attribute a religious character to the festival, through a mixture of dates.

Thus, All Saints' Day, previously celebrated on May 13th, is now on May 1st. November, preceding what happened to be Halloween, Halloween, whose name results from the junction of the words hallow and eve, which respectively mean “holy” and “eve”.

Traditions: Trick or Treat?

Among the most common activities is the North American practice of "trick or treat" (trick or treat, in English).

The game, which emerged in the United States, consists of walking around the neighborhood in costume and knocking on the door. door saying such a phrase waiting to receive sweets, otherwise a mischief is made to those who refuse to give goodies.

Although the game is not common in Brazil, on that day there is themed parties for adults and children.

At costumes most chosen are related to the dark and macabre theme. There are witches, skeletons, vampires, zombies, etc. In addition to costumes, people tend to use makeup in order to look as scary as possible.

THE decoration involves the shades of black, orange and purple and the symbols alluding to the celebration.

halloween symbols

There are symbols that are always present: pumpkins with faces, witches, bats, spiders, ghosts, skulls, black cats, zombies, etc.

halloween black cat

At pumpkins with lighted candles they serve to light the way of the dead. Its use arises from the modification of an Irish legend, the Jack O' Lantern legend, the soul of a man who does not he was accepted neither in heaven nor in hell, and so he wandered the earth, lighting up the nights with a turnip.

You black Cats, arise as a result of their association with curse and bad luck, while the zombies they are corpses seeking revenge.

cemetery setting

It's also Saci's Day!

In 2003, Federal Bill No. 2,762 institutes the commemoration of the Saci's Day on October 31st. This is because the introduction of the Halloween Party in Brazil received a lot of criticism, especially from the Catholic Church, which accused the celebration of being pagan and not very educational.

Therefore, the Dia do Saci was introduced in order to move away from the tradition of the witches' festival and instead celebrate the folklore of Brazil.

O sati, a one-legged mischievous boy, is one of the most emblematic figures in Brazilian folklore.

See too:

  • Day of Thanksgiving
  • October commemorative dates
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