January commemorative dates

The first month of the year invites people to reflect on a wide range of themes - prejudice, health, culture, peace.

Composed of important historical dates, January starts with a holiday, the only one of the month. It is the day of universal fellowship.

Know which ones most celebrated dates in january:

  • January, 1st: Universal fraternization day (National holiday)
  • January 6th: Kings' Day
  • January 9th: Day of Stay
  • January 21th: National Day to Combat Religious Intolerance
  • january 27o: International Day in Remembrance of Holocaust Victims

Universal get-together day, January 1 (National holiday)

Established as a holiday by then-president Getúlio Vargas in 1935, the Universal Fellowship Day aims to instill in people the need for unity among peoples.

Thus, the date conveys the hope that this feeling of friendship will accompany everyone from the first to the last day of the year.

Twelfth Day, January 6th

O Kings' Day commemorates the date when, according to Christian tradition, after a long journey, the wise men Belchior, Gaspar and Balthazar would have found the place where the Baby Jesus was born and offered him gold, frankincense and myrrh.

For many, the date marks the close of the Christmas season, when the tree and other Christmas decorations are put away.

Day of Fico, January 9th

O day of stay remember the date on which D. Pedro declared that he would remain in Brazil, proclaiming the famous phrase "If it is for the good of all and the general happiness of the Nation, I am ready! Tell the people I'm staying."

With that, D. Pedro contradicted the will of the Portuguese court, which demanded his return to Portugal, as they claimed that D. Pedro was preventing the recolonization of Brazil.

January 9, 1822, is thus an important milestone in the process that led to Brazil's independence.

National Day to Combat Religious Intolerance, January 21

The National Day to Combat Religious Intolerance marks the fight for respect for different beliefs, so that everyone has the freedom to profess their faith.

The date is also a tribute to Mother Gilda. Accused of charlatanism, her house was attacked and, following these events, Mother Gilda-who had heart problems-died after suffering a heart attack.

International Day in Remembrance of Holocaust Victims, 27 January

January 27 commemorates the date on which, in 1945, during World War II, the prisoners of Auschwitz, the largest Nazi death camp, were released.

The date aims to reflect on the consequences of intolerance and encourage appreciation and respect for all races.

Other dates celebrated in January

New Year, January 1st

O New Year, January, 1st, is celebrated with a lot of celebration, as this date marks the beginning of a new year in the Gregorian calendar, which is the calendar used by most of the world.

On this occasion - also known as New Year's Eve, which means “awakening – people are filled with a sense of renewal, with the hope that the bad things will be in the past and that the coming year will bring good things.

Sanitarist's Day, January 2nd

The day of the sanitarist, January 2nd, is a tribute to professionals who play a fundamental role in public health.

On this date, we remember the best known sanitarists in the history of Brazil: Oswaldo Cruz (1872-1917) and Carlos Chagas. The first was responsible for the eradication of plague, yellow fever and smallpox. Chagas, in turn, discovered Chagas Disease, which happened while fighting malaria.

Juvenile Judge Day, January 3rd

Juvenile Judge Day, January 3rd, is celebrated on the day of the death of José Cândido de Albuquerque Mello Mattos (1864-1934). Mello Mattos was the first juvenile judge in Brazil and author of the first code that contemplated the protection of children, the Mello Mattos Code.

World Braille Day, January 4th

World Braille Day, january 4tho, celebrates the existence of this important writing system for the inclusion of blind people.

It is celebrated on this day due to the birth date of the creator of Braille, Frenchman Louis Braille (1809-1852), who was blind since he was 3 years old and created this system when he was 20 years old.

Hemophiliac Day, January 4th

Hemophiliac Day, January 4th, aims to make people aware of hemophilia - what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment.

The choice of date refers to the death of cartoonist Henrique de Souza Filho, better known as Henfil. The famous cartoonist was the brother of sociologist Herbert de Sousa, Betinho, and in one of the treatments of his disease acquired the AIDS virus, which as a result of complications led him to death with only 43 years old.

Gratitude day, January 6th

the day of gratitude, January 6th, aims to motivate people to stop and reflect on the reasons they have to say thanks.

Thus, the date provides the opportunity to thank someone for something they have already done for us, recalling the healthy habit of thanking.

Reader's Day, January 7th

Reader's Day, January 7th, aims to encourage reading, a habit that should be instilled in people from childhood. Reading brings several benefits, including the increase in vocabulary, expansion of cultural knowledge, improvement of reasoning.

Photographer's Day, January 8th

Photographer's Day, January 8th, honors all professionals who work recording moments and landscapes, whether in the field of journalism, advertising or the arts.

The choice of date goes back to the occasion when the first photographic camera arrived in Brazil, in 1840. It was a daguerreotype, whose name refers to its inventor, the Frenchman Louis Jacques Mandé Daguérre (1787-1851).

Astronaut Day, January 9th

Astronaut Day, January 9th, pays tribute to all astronauts, who are properly trained to carry out space travel.

The date provides a time to remember the first people to go into space, and even learn more about it.

The first man in space was the Soviet Yuri Gagarin, on April 12, 1961. In 2006, the first Brazilian astronaut was Marcos Pontes, when he was part of the Centenary Mission.

Pesticide Pollution Control Day, January 11

The Day of Control of Pollution by Pesticides, January 11th, aims to make the population aware of the health risks of pesticides. Unfortunately, Brazil is one of the countries that makes more use of this type of product in the world.

Studies show that the use of pesticides can cause cancer, congenital malformations, among others. Thus, it is necessary that people are aware that its indiscriminate use affects everyone - farmers and consumers.

National Accounting Entrepreneur Day, 12 January

Established by Law No. 12,387, of March 3, 2011, the National Accounting Entrepreneur's Day, January 12th, dedicates a date to these professionals, with the aim of valuing the work they do for companies.

The date provides the opportunity to learn about the functions of the accounting entrepreneur.

Sick Day, January 14th

Created by the Ministry of Health, the Day of the Sick, January 14th, provides an opportunity to think about sick people and what we can do to make their lives better.

Whether as health professionals or as family members or friends of someone who is sick, this is a date to reflect on our role.

Composer's Day, January 15th

World Composer Day, January 15th, is a tribute to composers, allowing to know a little more about great composers, such as Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Bach.

The date recalls the foundation of the Society of Authors and Composers of Mexico (SACM), on January 15, 1945. In Brazil, the Brazilian composer's day is also celebrated on October 7th.

National Day for Fair Play and Combating Doping in Sports, 15 January

The National Day for Fair Play and Combating Doping in Sports, January 15th, aims to make people aware of the importance of inhibiting the practice of doping.

Doping must be fought, not only because it poses risks to the health of athletes, but also as a way of valuing human capacities, the result of commitment and training.

Sugar Cane Cutter Day, January 16

Sugar Cane Cutter Day, January 16th, reserves a date to remember the heavy work carried out by the cane cutters.

The date aims to promote reflection on working conditions in this sector, where slavery has always been present.

Day of the Courts of Auditors in Brazil, January 17

The Day of the Courts of Auditors in Brazil, January 17th, recalls the date of installation of the Federal Court of Accounts, which happened on January 17, 1893. The installation of the Court, however, had already been instituted in 1891.

International Day of Laughter, January 18th

The International Day of Laughter, January 18th, aims to remember the importance of laughter, since laughing is proven to be beneficial to health.

Laughter boosts the immune system so that it results in stress relief, in addition to strengthening the abdomen and improving breathing.

World Occupational Therapist Day, January 19

World Occupational Therapist Day, January 19th, is a tribute to professionals who have the function of helping people to carry out their daily activities, when they are limited to perform them alone.

The date brings the opportunity to know and appreciate the work developed by these therapists.

National day of the traditional midwife, 20 January

Established by Law No. 13,100 of January 27, 2015, the National Day of the Traditional Midwife, January 20th, recalls the work performed by midwives, which is still quite present in the country, especially in rural areas.

World Religion Day, January 21

Created in 1949 at a religious event of the Bahá’í faith, which is a monotheistic religion founded in Persia, the World Day of Religion, January 21th, aims to promote dialogue between religions.

On the same day, and with a similar purpose, the National Day to Combat Religious Intolerance is commemorated, which was established by Law No. 11,635, of December 27, 2007.

Founding day of São Vicente, first village in Brazil (1532), 22 January

The historical date of the Founding Day of St. Vincent, January, 22th, celebrates the emergence of the first Brazilian village.

São Vicente was founded by Martim Afonso de Sousa in 1532, when it began to be politically structured along the European lines.

International Day of Integrative Medicine, 23 January

The International Day of Integrative Medicine, January 23rd, celebrates the beginning of the use of this practice in Brazil, having as a pioneer the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein.

Integrative Medicine takes care of the patient in an integral way, ensuring the maintenance of health and not just treating a specific disease.

Retired Day, January 24th

Established by Law No. 6,926, of June 30, 1981, the Day of Retirees, January 24th, proposes a reflection on retired people with a view to improving their quality of life.

Postman's Day, January 25th

Postman's Day, January 25th, pays tribute to the traditional postal worker, the person responsible for sending us our mail.

The commemoration recalls the historical date of creation of the post of Correio-mor in Brazil, which took place in 1663.

National Bossa Nova Day, January 25

The national day of bossa nova, January 25th, is celebrated on the birthday of Tom Jobim (1927-1994), one of the great names of this Brazilian musical genre.

The celebration brings the opportunity to learn more about this movement of Brazilian popular music, its musicians and songs.

Gluttony day, January 26th

the day of gluttony, January 26th, aims to alert people about obesity, since the number of obese people grows every year and obesity poses great health risks. Brazil has about 18 million obese people.

Speaker's Day, January 27th

Speaker's Day, January 27th, pays tribute to a professional with so many skills for the good performance of his activity. Empathy, self-confidence, humor are just some of the skills he develops.

National day to combat slave labor, January 28

The National Day to Combat Slave Labour, January 28th, aims to make people aware of the existence of slavery at work.

The date was instituted in order to honor four employees of the Ministry of Labor, murdered in 2004 while investigating allegations of slave labor in Unaí, municipality of Minas General.

National day of trans visibility, January 29

The national day of trans visibility, January 29th, aims to combat the prejudice suffered by trans people, who are often victims of violence.

The date proposes to guide people about transsexuality, so that, little by little, marginalization ceases to exist.

National Comic Book Day, 30 January

Celebrated since 1984, the National Day of Comics, January 30, recalls the release date of the first comic book in Brazil.

On January 30, 1869, The Adventures of Nhô Quim or Impressions of a Journey to the Court was published in the magazine Vida Fluminense. Authored by Angelo Agostini, the story recounts the journey of a hillbilly to Rio de Janeiro.

The date brings an excellent opportunity to instill the reading habit in children.

World Day of Nonviolence and Culture of Peace, 30 January

The World Day of Nonviolence and Culture of Peace, January 30, recalls the date of the assassination of Gandhi (1869-1948), known as “Mahatma”, which means “The great soul”.

Founded in independent India, Gandhi was a great pacifist leader, whose principle was non-violence.

Thus, this commemorative date aims to instill in humanity respect for people, among other feelings that provide an environment of peace.

National Day of Private Natural Heritage Reserves, January 31

The National Day of Private Reserves of Natural Heritage, January 31st, is a celebration that aims to make people aware of the need to preserve local biodiversity.

The choice of date follows from the first decree in which mention was made of private reserves of natural heritage, Decree No. 98.914, of January 31, 1990.

Celebrations for each day of January

January, 1st: New Year, Universal Fellowship Day and World Peace Day

January 2nd: day of the sanitarian

January 3rd: Juvenile Judge's Day

January 4th: National Abbreugraphy Day, World Braille Day and Hemophiliac Day

January 6th: Kings Day and Gratitude Day

January 7th: Reader's Day and Freedom of Worship Day

January 8th: photographer's day

January 9th: Astronaut Day and Fico Day

January 11th: Pesticide Pollution Control Day

January 12th: National Accounting Entrepreneur Day

January 14th: Day of the Sick and Day of the Football Coach

January 15th: World Composer Day, Adult Day and National Day for Fair Play and Combating Doping in Sports

January 16th: Sugar Cane Cutter Day

January 17th: Day of the Courts of Auditors in Brazil

January 18th: University Day, Beautician Day, Manicure Day, International Laughter Day and National Krav Maga Day

January 19th: World Occupational Therapist Day, Hairdresser's Day and Dancer's Day

January 20th: Pharmacist Day, National Beetle Day and National Traditional Midwife Day

January 21th: World Religion Day and National Day to Combat Religious Intolerance

January, 22th: Foundation Day of São Vicente, first village in Brazil (1532)

January 23rd: International Day of Integrative Medicine

January 24th: Retirees Day and Social Security Day

January 25th: Postman Day, Post and Telegraph Day and National Bossa Nova Day

January 26th: gluttony day

January 27th: International Day in Remembrance of Holocaust Victims and Speaker's Day

January 28th: Port Day, National Labor Tax Auditor Day, National Day to Combat Slave Labor and Foreign Trade Day

January 29th: National day of trans visibility

January 30: Nostalgia Day, National Comic Book Day, Godfather's Day and World Day of Nonviolence and Culture of Peace

January 31st: Day of the Magician, National Day of Private Natural Heritage Reserves and Day of the Environmental Engineer

Mobile date: National Day to Combat and Prevent Leprosy (last Sunday in January)

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