The variations that occur in the language

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Our language, in addition to being rich and beautiful, is also very dynamic, that is, it changes according to the changes suffered by society and according to time.
To better understand how this process occurs, we will make a comparison between the language used by our grandparents and the language used by young people today.
We realized that there was a big change, didn't we?
When talking about change, we must consider both speech and writing, as the language that belongs to Internet users has also been greatly reduced.
Like, for example, the word
you turned into (U), also (tb), not (ñ), spoke (flw), and many others.
Through these differences, there are always some discriminations, such as, for example, a person who does not pronounce the words correctly is not considered wise. And this is a big mistake.
What we must understand is that there are two types of language: the colloquial or informal and the formal or standard.
the formal language is the one used for writing, as it is based on grammar, where rules, spelling, the correct use of expressions are always present.

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The informal language it is the one we use in our daily lives, during a dialogue with friends, family, and even on the Internet.

Imagine yourself talking to a person who did not have the privilege of attending college. Could it be that for this reason there would not be a clear communication that we could understand?
Communication would take place perfectly, however, it would not be in accordance with the standard language. Note the following example:
for the better they say mió

for worse
For tile they say web

Oswald de Andrade

There are also those differences that we call regional, as they belong to the vocabulary referring to the various Brazilian regions. Like for example:
boy - boy, boy, boy, boy
cassava - cassava, cassava
pumpkin – pumpkin.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Kids School Team
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