Classification of words by tonic accent

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Before we dive into word classification itself, it's important to remember the concepts of tonic accent and stressed syllables.

O accent it consists of a greater intensity of sound than a syllable receives. Look:

loveache - studydan- kill youmath

The syllable that receives this greatest strength in the sound is called stressed syllable. Thus, in:

amateur - the stressed syllable is -ache

student - the stressed syllable is -dan

math - the stressed syllable is -bad

According to the position of the stressed syllable, it is possible to classify the words in different ways. Let's look at each of them now.

1) words that have more than one syllablecan be classified as to the accent in:

The) oxytones: when the accent occurs on the last syllable:

anzol – suchturn - herefaith - sac – herepim - wellwell

B) paroxytones: when the accent occurs on the penultimate syllable:

Themigo - that'scothere - impairBrazillawro - happygivesof - iI gaveThe

ç) proparoxytones: when the accent occurs on the third to last syllable:

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Theasstic - therequido - puhbliss - pronext – graI am - muSilica

2) Monosyllables (single-syllable words) can be unstressed or tonics.

a) are unstressed monosyllables:

  • you articles defined (The the the the) and the undefined (one ones);
  • oblique personal pronouns and their combinations (me, te, if, the, the, the, the, the, the, the., etc.);
  • O relative pronounwhat;
  • the prepositions (a, with, from, in, by, without, under);
  • the combinations of preposition and article (à, ao, da, do, na, no, num, etc.);
  • at conjunctions (and, but, neither, or, that, if);
  • the forms of treatment (gift, friar, are, etc.)

b) Are stressed monosyllables those that have an intensity in the sound of their single syllable:

father - mother - nut - light - pain - time - well - train - defendant - three - wool - yes - salt

Attention! In the spoken language, all words (with the exception of unstressed monosyllables) have a stressed syllable. However, in the written language, only a few receive a graphic accent.

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