About, about or is there about?

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Note the sentences:

(1) We talk about a reconciliation.

(2) The property was about20 kilometers from the capital.

(3) I bought a car there are about three months.

It is possible to notice that the highlighted expressions, despite having the same pronunciation, have different spelling (writing) and meanings, isn't it? And, therefore, its uses also present certain specificities that we will analyze in this text.

♦ about

Written this way, the expression means "about" or "about."


The book dealt about the origin of the universe.

♦ about

In this case, the The is used as a preposition in about" to mark the distance in space and future time. This expression has the meaning of “approximately”, “near”, “near”.


my family lives about 150 kilometers from here.

We were about a week from our wedding.

♦ There are about

O there is (verb to have) is used in "there are about" to indicate the existence of something or elapsed time. This expression, therefore, has the meaning of “from approximately”, “makes approximately”, “exists (m)”, “makes”.

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about ten candidates for the job vacancy.

We are waiting for your phone there are about two hours.


I liveaboutten kilometers from here.


I live here there are abouttwo years.

About = distance

There are about = time elapsed. This expression can be replaced by "faz" - I live here does two years.

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