Company or company?

company or company? And now, can you tell which of the two ways is right? Or are both correct?

Well, know that there is no company, only company. There is only this possibility, although many people get confused when writing because they end up transferring the pronunciation of the word to the paper. It's true that most people don't pronounce the -nhia company, replacing it with the -nia, a phenomenon known as palatalization.

Palatalization happens because company it is a word that presents successive nasalizations (try to pronounce it very slowly and you will certainly notice). So to facilitate pronunciation, we touch the tongue to the palate (roof of the mouth) and produce a different sound than what is suggested by the spelling of the word. By changing the proper pronunciation of the word, we are committing a deviation from orthoepy, which is the area of ​​grammar that deals with the correct oral production of words.

The correct spelling and pronunciation is company, with -nhia, not -nia. There are not two possibilities

See just a few examples:

Yours company on this afternoon's tour it was very enjoyable!

THE company The school's theater performer will perform on the weekend.

Because of the bad weather, the company airline warned passengers of flight cancellation.

you want to make me company at the Saturday party?


As company write with -nh, all words derived from it will also be written with -nh. Watch:




Go along


Did you see? Now that you know, be careful not to make mistakes and good studies!

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

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