Wonderful universe of Brazilian poetry

Brazilian Literature, despite being young, is one of the richest and most interesting in the world! Our literary tradition, which began in the 16th century, offers readers the most varied genres, including poetry, which occupies a prominent place in our lyrics.

Poetry, through its literary language permeated by expressive resources, aims to thrill, amuse, inform and make the reader imagine reality in a different way. In it we find unique elements, such as the sound game with words with similar sounds – rhymes –, the use of images and many, many metaphors! To understand poetry, it is necessary to be open to new experiences and connect reason to emotion in order to extract all the beauty from the verses.

In Brazil, several writers have dedicated themselves and are dedicated to poetry. Among them, famous and beloved names of the public, such as Manuel Bandeira, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Vinicius de Moraes, Cecília Meireles and Mario Quintana, just to name a few. So, we chose five poems by these writers so that you can learn a little more about the literature of each one of them and travel in the wonderful universe of Brazilian poetry. Good reading!

Manuel Bandeira was born in Recife, on April 19, 1886, and died in Rio de Janeiro, on October 13, 1968.

the sick boy

The boy sleeps.

for the boy 

sleep peacefully,

sitting beside you

Mommy sings:

— "Dodoi, go away!

"Leave my little boy,

"Sleeps... sleeps... my.. ."

Fatigue dead,

She fell asleep.

So, on her shoulder,

A figure of a saint,

In the same song,

In the same voice as her,

leans over and sings:

— 'Sleep, my love.

"Sleep, my darling... "

And the boy sleeps.

Manuel Bandeira

Carlos Drummond de Andrade was born in Itabira, Minas Gerais, on October 31, 1902. He died in Rio de Janeiro, on August 17, 1987.


My father rode a horse, went to the countryside.

My mommy used to sat sewing.

My little brother slept.

me alone boy between hoses

read the story of Robinson Crusoe,

long story that never ends.

At noon white of light a voice that learned

to lullaby far away from the slave quarters - and he never forgot

she called for coffee.

Black coffee like the old black one

delicious coffee

Good coffe.

My mommy used to sat sewing

looking at me:

- Psst… Don't wake the boy.

To the crib where a mosquito landed.

And he gave a sigh… how deep!

Far away my father championed

in the endless bush of the farm.

And I didn't know my story

it was prettier than Robinson Crusoe's.

Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Vinícius de Moraes was born in Rio de Janeiro, on October 19, 1913, and died in the same city, on July 9, 1980.

to a little bird

what did you come for

in my window

Stick your nose in?

gone for a verse

I'm no longer a poet

I've been so happy!

if it's for a prose

I'm not Anchieta

I don't even come from Assisi.

stop stories

Get out of here!

Vinicius de Moraes

Cecília Meireles was born on November 7, 1901, in Rio de Janeiro. He died in the same city on November 9, 1964.

girl dreams

The flower the girl dreams of

is in the dream?

or on the pillowcase?



the wind alone

in your cart.

what size 

would it be the herd?

The neighbor


the umbrella

of spider web.. .

on the moon there is a nest

of bird.

The moon the girl dreams of

it's the dream linen

or the moon on the pillowcase?

Cecília Meireles

Mario Quintana was born on July 30, 1906, in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. She died in the same city on May 5, 1994.

song of the usual day

So good to live day to day...

Life like this, never tires...

live just for moments

Like these clouds in the sky...

And just win, all your life,

Inexperience... hope...

And the crazy wind rose

Attached to the crown of the hat.

Never give a river a name:

It's always another river to pass.

Nothing ever goes on,

Everything will start over!

and without any memory

Of the other lost times,

I throw the dream rose

In your distracted hands...

Mario Quintana

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

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