You have completed your text... it's time to review it

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When you write an essay, do you remember to take a look before handing it to the teacher? Surely that doesn't always happen, is it?
Well, know that among all those procedures that we must carry out through writing, the review of our ideas (what we express) represents a fundamental step. We often organize our thinking and soon begin to put it on paper; with that, when we reached the end, we were happy to finish our text and we forgot about that task anymore.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that aesthetics, that is, the way the text is presented, is very important. Imagine when we cannot decipher a single word, because the letter is illegible, the ideas are not arranged in an orderly way... Our! what a mess. When reviewing our text, we have the opportunity to add more ideas, as well as remove information that is not necessary at that moment, finally, to see everything that needs to be redone so that the message is transmitted in a clear and need.

And so you don't forget to check out other details, which are also of great importance, here are some fantastic tips. Are they:

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- Check questions related to spelling, paying full attention to syllable separation, accentuation, use of upper and lower case letters, in short, all aspects related to this part, even if the letter is neat;
- Next, check if the ideas are in accordance with the subject that was proposed and if they are linked to each other. Otherwise, your text will be nothing more than a “patchwork”;
- Once you have done this, see if they (the ideas) are properly arranged through well-constructed paragraphs;
- After this procedure, it is time to check if your production contains all the elements related to the type of suggested text, that is, in the case of a narration, it is important to highlight the narrator, characters, time and space. In the case of a text in which you will expose your ideas, that is, a dissertation text, it is important to know if there is a introduction, development and conclusion and, in the case of a descriptive, see if you reported all the characteristics related to the object described. In the case of being a person, don't forget the psychological details, such as your way of being and acting.
See how easy it is? So, get an excellent result in your production!!!
By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Kids School Team

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