Human Aspects of Central America

Central America is a subcontinent of America (continent) situated between North and South America. It occupies an area of ​​731,000 km², where approximately 75,303,248 people live, resulting in a population density of 103 inhabitants/km².

The most populous country in Central America is Guatemala, with about 15 million inhabitants. São Cristóvão e Névis is the least populous country in this portion of the American space, with about 54,000 people. Barbados is the most populated, with a population density of 665 inhab./km²; while Belize is the least populated country, with 15 inhabitants/km².
The region's population is made up of a varied ethnic composition. Countries like Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Panama have their respective populations formed by mestizos (mixture between Indian and white), with a reduced number of whites. Blacks and mulattos are most evident in the Atlantic coastal plain of Honduras, Nicaragua and Belize.
As for religion, the predominant one is Catholic. There are several languages ​​in Central America, but the main one is Spanish, which is spoken by practically every country; with the exception of Belize, which uses English. There are also several native languages, such as: Macropenutiana (Mayan origin), Mame, Chol, Itza, Jakaltek, Chuj, aguacateco, ixil, quiche, pokoman, cholti, chorti, achi, ponton, utoaztec, pipil, alaguilac, micarao, berries, among others.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School -

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