Ten tips to prepare for the Entrance Exam or Enem

To do well in the entrance exams or even in the National High School Exam (Enem), it is necessary that candidates prepare in advance. Therefore, it is important to dedicate a good amount of time to study throughout the year.

Finishing high school and preparing for college can be a stressful time in a student's life. However, the proper organization of time and activities can make this period more relaxed. Whether individual or in groups, discipline during preparation time is, without a doubt, the most important item in a student's routine.

In an attempt to facilitate studies, Brasil Escola listed ten tips for those preparing for the Vestibular and Enem. Check out:

1. Learn about the Entrance Exam Notice and the Programmatic Content of the exams

A few months in advance, institutions release the documents that govern their selections. It is the candidate's obligation to know the Notice and, especially, the Candidate Manual, if any. These documents include, in addition to the exam guidelines, the syllabus by discipline, the list of literary works and the schedule of planned activities.

2. Organize a study schedule

Knowing what should be on the test, it's time to schedule study times. You need to predict how much time a day you're going to devote to books and be disciplined, sticking to the stipulated hours. The student can, for example, divide the subjects by days: on Monday, math; on Tuesday, history, and so on.

3. Prioritize the subjects you have the most doubts

If there are more difficult subjects, the ideal is that the time devoted to them is greater. Therefore, it is important to list the most complex contents, seek a larger amount of support material and strive to assimilate these materials.

4. Dedication

go awayto study by myself or in the classes of a small course pre entrance exam, it does not matter. What counts is the level of commitment that will exist. In classes, the ideal is that the student does not miss; at home, it is necessary to have concentration to carry out the routine.

5. study in groups

Even attending a course or with a study schedule of their own, some teachers find it interesting the study in groups, as long as there is an organization. The technique of studying together encourages students to work as a team, in addition to promoting respect for others. Another advantage of group study is that everyone helps each other.

6. Take the tests from previous exams

Testing knowledge is of great value during studies. Performing previous tests, it is possible to predict the greatest difficulties and the time spent on each question and, thus, direct the studies. O Brazil School makes available previous exams from several universities and from Enem.

7. train writing

Another possibility for training is through the essays. O weight oftapproves in some teams it's big, so you need to be well prepared. See what modalities are charged for the test you intend to take and test your arguments. If you need correction, Brasil Escola will also help you. Send your text to our Newsroom and see the main notes.

8. keep up to date

It is common for entrance exams and Enem to emphasize current issues. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance that students are aware of the main news and news to understand some issues that may fall on the tests, including the essay.

9. Look for alternative sources

If studying with books becomes boring, it is possible to look for an alternative source of research. the internet can help in this regard, as long as it does not totally replace contact with the main bibliographies. Leaving the routine of studying traditional sources is a risk of losing focus on the initial proposal, which is why it is essential to maintain discipline.

10. take care of health

Nobody can do well in any job if they are sick, so the health care is another fundamental aspect of studying: take breaks, eat well and practice physical activities. Try to relax and freshen up, especially on the last few days when tension builds.
by Rafael Batista
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/dicas-de-estudo/dez-dicas-para-se-preparar-para-vestibular-ou-enem.htm

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