Is the verb to be always a link? Verb to be

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What defines the predicate type? The type of verb, isn't it? Therefore, the significant or notional verbs make up the verbal predicate, or nominal verb, and the linking verb, the nominal predicate.

It's the verb to be will appear in what kind of predicate? Many will say: "In the verbal predicate, of course!" Caution. Only the context can define the verbal predication, that is, the type of verb. Therefore, the lists that are usually presented are dangerous, as they do not consider the context. Let's look at some examples:

Maria Luiza was beautiful on her birthday.

  •  Who is the subject of the prayer?

Maria Luiza.

  • What kind of guy?

Simple subject, as it features a core.

  • And the predicate, what is it?

It was beautiful on his birthday.

  • What kind of predicate?


  • What is the Subject's Predicative?


  • What syntactic function does the term have on your birthday?

Adverbial Adjunct.

John was at home on game day.

  • Who is the subject of the prayer?


  • What kind of guy?

Simple subject.

  • And the predicate, what is it?
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I was at home on game day.

  • What kind of predicate?


  • What are adverbial adjuncts?

At home - indicating circumstance of place.

On game day - indicating weather circumstance.

The examples above confirm the importance of not getting stuck in lists. Note that the verb has not changed and that it appears in both examples. What changed then? Verbal predication, and who defines it is the context. Therefore, it is important to be aware of some issues:

1st - Whenever the verb be if binding, it will not be the core of the predicate, that is, the basic information will not be contained in it.

2º- The nucleus of the nominal predicate will be the subject's predicative, as it is morphologically represented by the adjective.

3º- If the verb is significant, its absence will result in damage to the message. Why is this happening? Because the verb is the nucleus, that is, the most important part.

4º In the case of the second example, the verb is intransitive, that is, it has a complete sense.

Tip: When the Verb is Intransitive, the questions asked are: When? At where? With whom? When? And in all of them, the objective is not to seek the verbal complement, but the adverbial adjunct. Therefore, if these characteristics appear, analyze, because in general the verb is intransitive.

It is important to remember that just like theverb to be it changes according to the context, the verbs stay, walk, look, continue, also considered as a link, can change its predication.

By Mayra Pavan
Graduated in Letters

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