What are false synonyms?

A little question for those who love studying the Portuguese language: do you know what false synonyms are? The subject seems new even for the most curious! You may not recognize the false synonyms by name, but surely you should already have found many of them out there in their textual productions and in other situations involving the Communication. They often use disguises, and this strategy confuses many people, as well as causing linguistic errors that can impair the understanding of a message. How about understanding this story better? Come on!

False synonyms are those words that, because they are so similar to others, end up confusing the speakers. They tend to have similar sounds and morphological characteristics, but that doesn't mean they are the same. Some, in fact, are not only different, but also have opposite ideas: this means that, if you don't pay attention, you may be liable to say exactly the opposite of what you intended! Does it look confused? Rest assured, confusion even those who are up to it are the fakes

synonyms, but Escola Kids will unmask them right now! Note the following examples:

Examples of false synonyms:

Instead of x Instead of:

→ Instead of = means “unlike”.

Instead of being sad, the girl was happy with the news she received.
He got confused and, instead of going up the stairs, he went down.

→ Instead of = means “in place of”, expresses the idea of ​​“replacement”.

Instead of resting, she played until daybreak.
I preferred to stay at home instead of going to Carolina's party.

Where x Where:

→ Where = where. Expressed idea of ​​permanence:

Where do you live?
I don't know where my parents' hometown is.

→ Where = where. Expresses idea of ​​movement, place to which one goes:

Where are you going in such a hurry?
We are still deciding where we will go after class.

Conflict x Confrontation:

Conflict = Confusion. Divergence of position, posture, ideas.

The conflict between the leaders heated up the debate.
The conflict of ideas between the teachers left the students confused.

Confrontation = confrontation, combat, comparison, confrontation.

The confrontation between the bandits and the police left one person injured.
The confrontation of the witnesses' testimonies clarified the case.

Against x Against:

Against = against, to confront.

The increase in bus fares is in line with the population's demands.
I will not take this attitude, as it goes against my principles.

→Against = please, go towards something or someone.

The church's social works go out to those most in need.
Deputies approved laws that meet the needs of the needy population.

False synonyms can have an unwanted effect on speech and writing: ambiguity

In principle x in principle:

At first = at the beginning, first of all.

At first we were determined that we would make the trip, but then we gave up.
At first the teachers believed that the students would perform well on the tests.

In principle = in theory, theoretically, in general.

In principle, almost all football teams have chances in the Brazilian championship.
In principle, the flight will leave at the scheduled time.

All x All:

→All (a) = any, each.

Every child has the right to education and leisure.
Every Brazilian has a duty to ensure the order of the nation.

→All = integer.

The entire school mobilized to collect toys for needy children.
The entire society is outraged by the increase in violence.

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

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