How to produce good text

Many people find it difficult to write a text, because all writing requires certain details that we must always be aware of.
But this difficulty does not exist, because as we discover the correct steps for textual production, we come to the conclusion that this is a very simple task.
First of all, it is necessary to understand that a text can never be a bunch of words, written without organization and without meaning. Everything we plan to write needs to be put into a draft first, where the ideas will be gathered, and then transported to paper.
It is very important that we know about the subject we are going to write about, otherwise we will not have enough ideas to achieve a good result. Our ability to develop ideas well increases over time, according to our constant reading, with the exchange of experiences, such as dialogue with scholars, between others.
Another detail is the punctuation. Do you remember the paragraphs, the commas, the correct spelling of words? These are essential elements. But do not worry! Some tips will help you become a good writer:

Paragraphs serve to prevent ideas from getting cluttered.
In the case of texts with dialogues between characters, we must "wake up" our creativity and imagination and pay special attention to the following punctuation marks:

The dash (-) – marks the characters' speech change.
The colon (:) – serves to indicate the moment when a character will speak.
The question mark (?) – indicates a question
The exclamation point (!) – reveals some feeling experienced by the characters.

What you intend to say needs to be clear so that the reader can understand your message, in this case the issue of spelling is included. It must be legible at all times.
And not to forget, the text must contain: beginning middle and end.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Kids School Team

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