Textual defects. What are the textual defects?

The text is not just a jumble of words, as these need to be organized in such a way that they constitute cohesive and coherent sentences. However, in addition to worrying about the quality of a text, it is important to define what are its “defects” so that they do not harm it. Next, we'll talk about textual “villains”. Analyze each one and see how harmful they can be.

The first problem to be highlighted is the ambiguity, which happens whenever there is a double possibility of interpretation in a text. It's not hard to understand why, is it? If a good text needs to be clear, it cannot allow for more than one interpretation. Therefore, care must be taken when choosing words, placing them in prayer and in the construction of each period.

THE ambiguity it may originate, for example, in punctuation, since the absence of this resource or its misuse may compromise the text, and may lead to it having a double meaning. However, these are not just punctuation problems, but the misuse of a pronoun can also lead to confusion. Follow the example:

Joaquina took care of Gabriel at her house.

In the example, is it difficult to specify in the house of whom Gabriel was taken care of, him or Joaquina? To avoid this type of problem, it is essential that a review is done before delivering the text.

The second "defect" of a text is the echo. Have you ever been in a cave or in some big empty house and screamed or said something? If you've ever done that, you know that everything that was said was heard again, right? That phenomenon is the echo. It is present in nature, but it can also be present in a text when words with a similar ending are used (because they have the same final syllable or the same sound). See the example:

The purchase of a shed for the dining hall was achieved on a trading floor.

Our! Did you notice how difficult it was to understand the message? This happens because, in general, what is marked is the end of the words and not what they say (message). Furthermore, it is important to highlight that musicality is characteristic of poetic texts, not being well regarded within a prose text, unless there is a purpose in its use.

The third defect of a text is the cacophony. Did you find the word strange? Rest assured, the explanation is simple. Cacophony means ugly or unpleasant sound. Do you know when someone uses a word that doesn't match the other, and when you hear them together, it's as if your ear gets bothered? So, this is cacophony, a defect that compromises the clarity of the text, so pay attention when choosing your words. Below, follow an example of cacophony.

"Send me the receipt now."

In addition to ambiguity, cacophony and echo, they are also part of the list of the defects of atext:

  • Choose difficult words or words that are not part of your vocabulary;
  • Lack of cohesion (misuse of elements that link words or sentences, such as preposition and conjunction);
  • Lack of coherence (lack of logic that happens when ideas don't match or don't make sense, for example: During the July holidays, I went to the Araguaia River and swam beside a shark.);
  • Punctuation problems;
  • Very long periods;
  • Lack of objectivity (it's the famous “filling sausage”, talking too much, but not saying what you need);
  • Phrases made (those phrases that have fallen into common sense, that is, that everyone repeats, but which are not supported by strong, critical, grounded arguments. For example: every politician is corrupt. Brazil has no way. It is necessary to improve education and health.);
  • “Apocalyptic” solutions (Solutions or conclusions that are not critical or logical but are radical or extremist. Examples: The solution is to close the Congress.);
  •  Presence of orality in writing (presence in writing of words or expressions that are used in speech, such as slang, abbreviations, etc.).

Therefore, whenever a text is constructed, it is important that the factors mentioned above are considered so that the message is not harmed. Also, remember that writing requires that the rules of the standard policy be obeyed. If the choice is for the dissertation, for example, or any genre that is within it, consider that it is a text formal, therefore, eliminate the interlocution marks, such as: “There”, “Hey”, “You think” etc., in addition to slang and abbreviations. Don't forget that speaking is very different from writing, so you need to adapt. Therefore, enrich your text with strong arguments that demonstrate your knowledge of the subject, because talking about something that is constantly in the media or that is well known to the reader in a superficial way is not characteristic of a reader competent.

By Mayra Pavan
Graduated in Letters

Textual defects. What are the textual defects?

The text is not just a jumble of words, as these need to be organized in such a way that they con...

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