The fun and absurd world of limeriques

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Limerique. Do you know this word? She is, to say the least, funny, isn't she? But know that this is not just a funny word, because the limerique, believe you, is a kind of poetry!

Limerique is a short and humorous poem. But where does this name come from? Well, scholars claim that the Limericks originated in the city of Limerick, Ireland, and were popularized by Edward Lear, an English artist, illustrator and poet. The limeriques are meaningless poems, full of an absurd humor present in just five lines.

The limeriques follow a pattern in their composition: There are five lines - the first, second and fifth lines rhyme; the third and fourth are shorter than the others and need to rhyme with each other. A limerique is not made that way by chance, because composed like that gains rhythm and everyone knows that every good game needs rhythm, right?

In Brazil, Limeric art was also represented by writers such as Joaquim de Sousândrade and Clarice Lispector, the most famous of which were written by children's book writer Tatiana Belinky. Let's see some examples of limeriques?

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When seeing an old crown

frying a worm fillet

Joe Minhocão

told the brother:

Don't you think it's better to go to the den?"

Tatiana Belinky

When it comes to Limeric, Tatiana Belinky is a master! The author has dedicated several books on the theme *

Do you know what Cocaine is?
Cocaine is a strange land,
country that hides
Nobody knows where -
Mysterious place, Cocaña.

Tatiana Belinky

What's up? Are you inspired? See how easy and fun it is? So, get to work, unleash your imagination and make your own Limerique. Don't forget: If it's not funny, it's not limerique!

* The image that illustrates the article was created from the book covers of writer Tatiana Belinky.

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters
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