Above or above? Linguistic doubts: on top or on top?

Answer the question: What is the correct way, on or above?

If you said that only the first option is correct, you need to know one more word from our vocabulary, as the form “above” exists, but it should not be confused with “in up”! Although “above” is not a very common word, it is in the dictionary and belongs to the class of verbs.

On and above often cause some errors in writing, especially when the on is replaced by above, the most common misconception among speakers. These "linguistic slips" are common among homophone words, that is, words whose pronunciation is the same but whose meanings are different. Observe the meaning of each of the expressions and learn to use them correctly:

toys were left on from the couch


toys were left above from the couch?

In this case, only the first sentence is correct. The word on, in this specific context, acted as a adverb of place, because the idea was to say that the book was about the table. On can be replaced by the word about (something that is in a high position, in a higher place), since they are semantically equivalent. Now look at another example:

a golden bow on the girl's hair


a golden bow above the girl's hair?

Of the two prayers, only the second is correct. top, from the verb to top, it is the same as placing or standing on top or on top, as well as the act of crowning, therefore, the intention was to say that a golden ribbon was situated on top of the girl's hair. top is the conjugation of the verb to top in the third person singular of the present tense or the conjugation made in the second person singular of the imperative. Watch:

Present tense (verb to top)

affirmative imperative

I top

you on top

above you

he/she on top

Encourage him/her

we top

let's top us

you chiefs

top you

they/they on top

top them/they

Above is the opposite of below. Top is the conjugation of the verb to top, which means "to place on top of", "to crown", "to elevate"


differences between on and above:

The expression above is synonymous with over and antonym for below. Watch:

the ball was left on from bed or down her?

The word above, from the verb to top, has the meaning of “to place on top of”, “to crown”, “something above”, “to elevate”. Watch:

The student was topped student council president.

The hat above the head of the young lady.

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

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