Story or story? Differences between story and story

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Some words in the Portuguese language are responsible for frequent doubts, but two of them have a curious aspect and, therefore, we do not always know how to use them correctly: history and story. Do you know the difference between them? What is the correct form? story or story?

Well, both spellings exist and in the past there was a significant difference between them. The word story it is very old in the Portuguese language, it is believed to have appeared in the 13th century. the form was used story when the intention was to refer to popular or traditional narratives that are not true, that is, fictional. already the word story it was used in another context, when the intention was to refer to history as a science, that is, factual history, based on real events.

The word story it is considered a kind of archaism, that is, those words that, being very old, we hardly use anymore. It was used when there was not yet a standardized spelling for our words, but, in 1943, with the validity of our graphic system, the Brazilian Academy of Letters understood that there should no longer be differences in between

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story and story and that the word story it should be used in any situation, whether to name fictional or real narratives. Look at the examples:

The mother told her son a story to sleep.

Friends love to tell fisherman stories.

(Formerly, the correct way to be used in the examples was story).

Students will learn about the history of the Portuguese language.

The class listened attentively to the story of the life of Machado de Assis.

Did you see? Now that you know the correct way, you don't have to be in doubt anymore, you can use story with h in any situation!

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters
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