The various meanings that words acquire

Suddenly... Wow! A word came up that you are not aware of. Well, go to the dictionary, because there you will find everything about its meaning and even more information, such as: if it is a verb, a noun, among others. And your knowledge, the way you express yourself in front of the texts you build? How are they after that? Certainly greatly expanded, do you agree?
Well, this was just a suggestion for you to never forget this importance. But what we will know from now on is that beyond that meaning, considered official, in the our everyday conversations and even in writing, we use the same word with meanings many different. It all depends on the moment, the circumstance in which we say something.
So, to make everything clearer, look at the examples that follow:
The cat is my favorite pet.

Here the meaning of cat refers to that of the dictionary.
Our! Today you are a cat!

Here, the sense of cat is related to physical beauty, that is, the way the person is dressed, etc.
Before meals, we need to wash our hands.

Similar to the first example, hands refer to members of the human body.
Mom has fairy hands to make chocolate cake.

But here it means that she bakes a very, very tasty cake, that is, we are talking about her ability to cook.
As well as these, there are many other cases. What really matters is that you just got to know one more fact that belongs to the many novelties that the Portuguese language reveals to us - called polysemy, which is nothing more than the various meanings that a given word acquires, depending on what the sender (speaker) wants to transmit.
By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Kids School Team

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