You know what the physical and chemical phenomena? To better understand this subject, it is important to know some basic information:
- Everything around us is made up of very, very, very small particles: atoms;
- The set of some equal atoms form chemical elements;
- The set of chemical elements, the same or different, form matter.
Matter is any substance that takes place in space. Thus, everything we can see and take up around us is matter, such as a living being, an object, a food, among others.
Phenomena are changes that occur in matter. Thus, examples of phenomena are: the transformation of water into different physical states, the burning of paper, the ripening of food, the demolition of a building, among others.
The phenomena can be of two types:
- Chemical phenomena they are those that, when they occur, cause the formation of other substances, since the chemical elements organize themselves differently from how they were before. When you set a fire to paper, for example, it stops being paper and becomes just gray.
Burnt paper: physical or chemical phenomenon?
- Physical phenomena are those that do not cause the transformation of new substances. When you tear a piece of paper, for example, it doesn't stop being paper, it just changes its shape.
Torn paper: physical or chemical phenomenon?
Another examples:
- Crumple a paper = physical phenomenon
- Boil water = physical phenomenon
- Rust formation = chemical phenomenon
As matter is formed by the set of chemical elements, when we say that something has “a lot of chemistry”, we are not saying anything new, since everything has a chemical nature.
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