Burns. What to do in cases of burns?

I'm sure you've already suffered from a burn. But do you know how to proceed with one of these injuries? In this text we will learn about the types of burns and what not to do in face of this problem.

burns they are skin lesions that can be caused by several factors, such as heat, radiation, electrical current, chemicals and even plants and animals. Among the biggest causes of burns, fire and electricity stand out. Sometimes injuries caused by electricity are so severe that they lead to amputation of limbs.

We can classify the burn according to its depth in 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree. At 1st degree burns they only reach the epidermis, the most superficial layer of the skin. Usually sunburns are 1st degree and only cause redness, swelling and mild pain. They are usually cured in just 1 week.

2nd degree burns they are characterized by reaching the epidermis and dermis. In this type of lesion, we can observe the famous blisters and, in some cases, the detachment of part of the skin. Healing takes more than just a week, and it can take up to 20 days for full recovery.

3rd degree burns are the most serious as they reach deep tissue. There are injuries that affect even the muscles and bones. In this case, the patient does not feel pain at the site.

According to the depth of the burn, it can be classified as 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree

However, it is important to highlight that although the degree of the injury is an important factor, what will determine the severity of the burn is how much of the body it reached. When it reaches more than 15% of the body, the patient may be subject to serious risks if not properly treated. In children, when it affects more than 10% of the body, it is considered a serious case.

If one day you suffer a burn, you should pay attention to some precautions:

- The first and most important is: do not pass any substance over the lesion! It is common for people to want to apply creams and ointments on the site to relieve pain, however, we should only use substances that were indicated by the doctor. The use of these materials can cause complications;

- The use of toothpaste, butter, oil and coffee is not recommended;

- Place the part that suffered the burn in a place with running water. It is important that the water is cool (do not use ice water!) and that it is gently flowing across the room. In cases of third-degree burns, this procedure is not advisable, it is essential that the person is taken to the doctor quickly;

- don't break the bubbles formed as a result of the burn. This can lead to infections;

- If, after the burn, any tissue was stuck in place, do not try to remove it;

- Do not put ice on the burn;

- go to the hospital as soon as possible to investigate the lesion, especially if it is very extensive or 2nd or 3rd degree.

Always remember not to be near the fire, not to play with candles and the stove. Be careful with hot pans, don't play with balloons or fireworks, and if you're playing with kites, choose locations away from power lines. Always keep an eye out, just so you can avoid some accidents!

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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