Use of verbs to have and to have. Knowing the verbs to have and to have

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As you know, there are several situations in which we make use of language, either as transmitters (when we speak or write), or as receivers (when we hear or read something). Thus, we have already talked a lot about the importance of adapting our speech according to the situation, that is, whether it is a more formal situation (in this case, writing) or a less formal situation (in this case, the orality).

Well, starting from this very important knowledge, from now on we will know a little more about two verbs that we constantly use: the verb to have and the verb to have. For that, how about we analyze some examples, huh?

There were students playing on the sports court.

Huh! Why is the verb “to have” (had) conjugated in the third person singular and not agreeing with the term “students”, described in the plural?

You see, if this term (“students”) were the subject of the sentence, then yes it could be expressed in the plural, but it is not the subject but the direct object (the complement) of the verb “to have”. So, do you remember the characteristics of subject types? If not, access the text "

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types of subject” and notice that the verb remained in the singular (had) because this clause has no subject, that is, it is classified as a clause without a subject. Thus, all verbs that make up this case must always remain in the third person singular.

But... we talk about the verb “to have”, isn't it true? And the verb “haver”, in what situation is it used?

Know that when dealing with formal situations, as you already know them, you always prefer to use it, yes?

So, notice the same prayer, now with the verb “haver”:

There were students playing on the sports court.

Did you notice he continued in the third person singular? Find out why this happens by accessing the text "impersonal verbs”.

And don't forget this important detail: in writing, use the verb “haver” instead of the verb “have”, ok?

Take the opportunity to check out our video lesson related to subject matter:

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