Boa: characteristics, reproduction, classification

The pythons (good constrictor) are snakes of the Boidae family, the family of constrictor snake species. There are about eleven subspecies of this snake, two of which are found in Brazil. The subspecies of pythons are distributed since the northern Argentina to northern Mexico.

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Taxonomic classification of boa constrictor

Kingdom: animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptile

Order: Squamata

Family: Boidae

Gender: Good

Species: good constrictor

Boa characteristics

the boa constrictor is a reptile that can even reach four meters long, However, usually no more than two meters. In general, females are distinguished by being larger than males. Boas lose in size, in our country, only to the anaconda, being considered, therefore, the second largest species of the Brazilian fauna. It is an animal classified as medium to large.

THE coloring of the pythons is quite varied, the good amarali constrictor, for example, is a subspecies found in our country and its predominant color is Gray

or Brown, individuals with a very dark coloration, almost black, can be seen. already the good constrictor constrictor, also present in Brazil, it has individuals with color ranging from light gray to very dark brown.

This snake has a robust body, with musculaturegooddeveloped, which is fundamental to your diet. The head of the boa constrictor, which has an arrow shape, is well detached from the body, which is cylindrical and laterally compressed.

Boas are terrestrial and semi-arboreal animals.

These snakes have habitnight, however they can be seen during the day. They stand out for being terrestrial and semi-arboreal, living and feeding efficiently in both places. Boas can be seen in all Brazilian plant formations, for example, in the Amazon, Caatinga, Cerrado, Atlantic Forest and Pantanal.

THE food of pythons is mainly based on the ingestioninmammalsrodents, however, these animals also feed on birds,lizards and eggs. These snakes locate their prey due to the capture of thermal, visual and chemical stimuli.

pythons are strategists "sit wait", that is, they remain in places that are frequently visited by prey. When a prey is located, it is captured and the boa takes the life of the prey, contracting its body in order to prevent the prey's breathing movements. Thus, the boa constrictor does not use poison to kill, but acts asphyxiating its prey.

Boas feed mainly on rodent mammals.

The boa constrictor eats its food, as do the vast majority of snakes, starting from the head of the prey. This is important because as prey is ingested, its limbs are compressed parallel to the body. This prevents the limbs from making it difficult for the animal to swallow.

Despite being large and feared by many, boa constrictors also face dangers. Forifdefend of their predators, they use some techniques. One of them is the production of a soundacute, accompanied by retractionofneck and the head. Also, the snake can to bite and to eliminatefeces in these contexts.

Boa reproduction

the boa constrictor is a snake viviparous, that is, this snake nobooteggs and the embryo is developed inside the female's body. They are born fully formed, about 12 to 50 puppies, each presenting an average of 50 cm in length. The gestation of this group of snakes lasts from 4 to 8 months.

Is boa constrictor poisonous?

Boas kill their prey by suffocation.
Boas kill their prey by suffocation.

The boa constrictor is a snake that does not have a venom inoculating fang. dentitionaglyph. this animal kills its prey compressingyourbody, until the victim is unable to breathe and dies from suffocation. Unlike what many people think, this snake does not kill its prey due to broken bones. It is worth noting that the boa constrictor is a animallittleaggressive.

Read too: How does the snake inject the venom?

Can the boa constrictor be sold?

Did you know that the boa constrictor can be raised as a pet? In Brazil, it is possible to buy and raise pythons, however, to have this snake as a pet, it is necessary to buy them at places properly registered and authorized by IBAMA.

The pythons sold in these locations are individuals born exclusively in captivity, that is, they were not removed from their natural environment. In addition, the pythons sold have chipselectronics for identification of origin and accompany a certificate which shows the health condition of these animals, plus, of course, information about how these animals should be raised.

It is important to point out that wild animals should not be bought without provenance, as this practice is considered a crime. Therefore, if you want to purchase an animal like this, make sure it is a licensed purchase place.

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