Spectator or Spectator?

 After all, what is the correct way? Spectator or Spectator? This is a very common linguistic doubt among Portuguese speakers.

Whoever thinks there is right or wrong when it comes to the spelling of words is wrong spectator and spectator. As we already know, our Portuguese language likes to play tricks on us, among them, causing confusion with words that, despite having identical phonemes and similar spellings, are absolutely divergent in their meaning. Well then, the two forms, spectator and spectator, exist and contain different meanings and situations of use, it is up to us to know the meaning of each one of them to avoid unwanted mistakes in the writing:

Viewer:The word viewer, from latin spectator, is a masculine noun and refers to the person who witnesses, observes or watches something. Must be written with s, thus preserving its etymology. In Portugal, the correct spelling is spectator, without the phoneme /c/, which is not pronounced. Note the word applied in a communication context:

The film attracted millions of spectators to movie theaters.

The actor surprised viewers with his performance.

Thousands of viewers followed the president's inauguration live.

Expectant:The word spectator, from latin expectant, can be a masculine noun - when referring to someone who expects something to happen - or an adjective. Must be written with x to preserve its Latin etymology. Look at the examples:

We are spectators of the political changes that will take place in the country.

Children are great Christmas spectators.

The words viewer and spectator, because they are pronounced the same way and because they have approximate spellings, are considered homonymous words. This type of word causes many spelling errors, so when in doubt, don't hesitate: consult a good dictionary!

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/gramatica/duvida-linguistica-espectador-ou-expectador.htm

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