Meaning of Vicissitude (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Vicissitude is a sequence of transformations or changes. Usually the term is used in the plural, as in "life vicissitudes", which represents the accidents that happen daily, "the ups and downs of life".

At vicissitudes they are usually unexpected events, be they adversities or lucky breaks that change a trajectory.
It is a change of circumstance, a surprise that changes the course of things. It can be favorable or unfavorable, as the term by itself does not designate a pejorative or eulogy meaning to the object of the vicissitude.

It also means alternation or contrast, and it can mean a change in nature or in human affairs.

As an object of study, the vicissitudes have already been analyzed by some scholars, with emphasis on Sigmund Freud, in the work "As Pulsões ea sua Vicissitudes" (1915).

The word vicissitude has the same writing and meaning in Portuguese, English and French. in spanish is vicissitude, and its plural is vicissitudes, similar to Portuguese, but with only one S.

Some of the main

synonyms of vicissitude are: chance; setback; setback; alteration; change; transitional; option; variability; inconstancy; transformation and eventuality.

The word vicissitude comes from the Latin vicissitude, which precisely means "change". The term is formed by vice, which corresponds to "in place of" and cease, "what gives way, yields". It is for this reason that the first part must be written with c, as well as vice, followed by two those.

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