Parasynthetic Derivation: what is it, examples and exercises

THE parasynthetic derivation or parasynthesis it is a type of derivation in which affixes (prefix and suffix) are added to the primitive word.

Remember that derivation is a word formation process involving the stem and affixes (suffix and prefix).

In addition to being parasynthetic, the derivation can be: inappropriate, regressive, suffixal and prefixal.

Examples of Parasynthetic Derivation

  • THEblessoar (a- prefix and -oar - suffix)
  • THEmorningecer (a- prefix and -ecer - suffix)
  • THEnightecer (a- prefix and -ecer - suffix)
  • Enlateecer (en- prefix and -ecer - suffix)
  • Enoldecer (en- prefix and -ecer - suffix)
  • Envernizar (en- prefix and -izar - suffix)
  • Enhardecer (en- prefix and -ecer - suffix)
  • Ensadecer (en- prefix and -ecer - suffix)
  • ANDskinnyecer (e- prefix and -ecer - suffix)
  • Encagear (en- prefix and -ar - suffix)

Entrance Exam Exercises with Feedback

1. (ITA – SP) Check the option that shows only words formed by parasynthetic derivation.

a) devaluation, sighting, cold, reinstatement, unfortunately
b) expropriate, warp, dawn, soulless, deaf

c) schooling, anti-inflation, retrospective, gluttonous, large
d) inequality, hardening, literate, bless, drizzle
e) administration, interlining, counterbalancing, semiconductor, remembering

Alternative b: expropriate, warp, dawn, soulless, deafening

2. (UF-Uberlândia) In which of the items below is a case of parasynthetic derivation present:

a) little operation
b) small talk
c) mainly
d) scary
e) thank you

Alternative d: scary

3. (IFSP) Indicate the alternative in which the two words are formed by parasynthesis:

a) undisciplined - wasting
b) incineration - indescribable
c) shred - compost
d) deified - shame
e) shirtless - dishonesty

Alternative d: deified - shame

Read too:

  • Word Formation Exercises
  • Regressive Derivation
  • Improper Derivation

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