Latest Meanings (192)

Definition of Immunization

Immunization is the acquisition of immunological protection against an infectious disease, which can be active or acquired. Active Immunization Occurs when the individual's own immune system comes into contact...

Definition of Immunity

Immunity is resistance or protection against something, usually related to diseases and infections that can attack a living being's organism. Thus, immunity consists of a set of mechanisms that...

Definition of Cooperative

Cooperative is a form of association between individuals whose objective is a common activity, and which is worked in order to generate equal benefits to all members, the so-called cooperative members. The base...

meaning of megalopolis

Megalopolis is a densely populated urban area made up of a set of large metropolises and other cities that are interconnected. In addition to the large population concentration, the...

Definition of Silepsis

Silepsis is a writing resource in which the agreement does not occur according to the terms of the sentence, but with the idea that one wants to convey. As in "the violent São Paulo", where the word violent is in the...

Definition of Bargain

Bargain is taking advantage unexpectedly. It is an expression used informally in Brazilian Portuguese to highlight what was a good deal, which cost very little, less than expected...

Definition of Persistence

Persistence is a characteristic of what doesn't give up easily. Acting with persistence is being hardworking and focused on your goals, without being easily shaken by any criticisms or negatives...

Definition of Habeas Corpus

Habeas corpus means "may you have your body", and is an original Latin expression. Habeas corpus is a legal measure to protect individuals who are having their freedom infringed, it is a...

meaning of silly

Bobo is a masculine adjective used to describe an individual who only says or does things without interest; uninteresting; a naive person; one who commits nonsense or stupidity. This term came up...

Definition of metropolitan region

Metropolitan region is the set of different municipalities close and interconnected, usually built around a metropolis, a central and more developed city. The regions...

Definition of Conurbation

Conurbation is the urban phenomenon of the unification of two or more cities that, due to their geographic growth, merge into each other. The conurbation process is one of those responsible for...

meaning of tautology

Tautology is the unnecessary repetition of the same idea using different terms. It is applied to language and writing standards as something to be avoided in formal writing. Tautology is a...

meaning of well-being

Well-being is a set of practices that include good nutrition, physical activity, good interpersonal, family and social relationships, in addition to stress control. So it can be said that well-being...

meaning of self-esteem

Self-esteem is the quality that belongs to the individual who is satisfied with his/her identity, that is, a person endowed with confidence and who values ​​himself. Many people have doubts about the correct spelling of this...

Meaning of Spiritism

Spiritism, Kardecism or Kardecist Spiritism is a religious doctrine of philosophical and scientific, whose main belief revolves around the constant spiritual evolution of the human being, through...

Latest Meanings (76)

Difference between sexual orientation and gender identitySexual orientation is the way an individ...

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Latest Meanings (77)

Definition of LibidoLibido is the feminine noun that originates from the Latin libido and is used...

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Popular Meanings (76)

meaning of architectureArchitecture is the art and technique of designing a building or building ...

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