Secular state means a country or nation with a neutral position in the religious field. Also known as the secular state, the secular state has as its principle impartiality in religious matters, not...
Sociology is the science that studies the relationships between people who belong to a community or to the different groups that make up society. It is a science that belongs to the group of social sciences and...
Social mobility means the phenomenon in which an individual (or a group) who belongs to a certain social position moves to another, according to the social stratification system. There are two types...
Ethnocentrism is a concept in Anthropology defined as the vision demonstrated by someone who considers their ethnic group or culture to be the center of everything, therefore, on a more important plane than the others...
Gnosiology (or gnoseology) is the part of Philosophy that studies human knowledge. It is formed from the Greek term “gnosis” which means “knowledge” and “logos” which means...
Aristocracy means nobility. It is the upper social class. The term aristocracy comes from the Greek “aristokrateia”, which means “government of the best”. Aristocracy is a form of organization...
Dogmatism is the tendency of an individual to affirm or believe in something as true and indisputable, it is a term often used by religion and philosophy. Dogmatism occurs when a person...
Ethics in philosophy is the study of moral issues, the way of being and acting of human beings, in addition to their behavior and character. Ethics in philosophy seeks to discover what motivates each individual to...
Social ascension is when an individual rises in class in society, having greater purchasing power. An example of social ascension can be when an individual wins the lottery, or when he gets a...
Class struggle is the opposition between different classes of society. Class struggle is not just a conflict, it involves economy, politics and society as a whole. The term class struggle was...
Eight lying down is the symbol that represents infinity, eternity and divine potential. This symbol is formed by a geometric curve in the shape of the number eight horizontally. In the esoteric field and...
Gnostic is a term that derives from the Greek "gnostikós" whose meaning refers to something or someone who is able to know. In the Portuguese language the term is used to refer to one who is sectarian of...
Hermeneutics is a word of Greek origin and means the art or technique of interpreting and explaining a text or speech. Its original meaning was related to the Bible, and in this case...
Skepticism is a state of those who doubt everything, who are unbelievers. A skeptical individual is characterized by having a constant predisposition to doubt, to disbelief. Skepticism is a system...
Empirical knowledge is an expression whose meaning refers to knowledge acquired through observation. It is a form of knowledge resulting from common sense, sometimes based on experience,...