Popular Meanings (8)

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meaning of Lent

Lent is the designation of the forty-day period that precedes the main celebration of Christianity: Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is celebrated on Sunday. It's a practice...

Meaning of Deferred

Deferred is the past participle of the verb defer, whose meaning is to give assent to a request for something. Deferring is the act of approving or granting an application or application. O...

meaning of science

Science represents all knowledge acquired through study, research or practice, based on certain principles. This word comes from the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge" or...

meaning of respect

Respect is a masculine noun from the Latin respectus which is a positive feeling and means action or effect of respect, appreciation, consideration, deference. In its Latin origin, the word...

Definition of Circumcision

Circumcision is a surgical operation that removes the foreskin, a skin that covers the glans of the penis. It is a Latin term that means to cut around. Circumcision surgery has been performed for...

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meaning of straight

Straight is a radical of Greek origin. It is a compositional term that encapsulates the idea of ​​another, different. Every word composed by the radical "hetero" refers to the concept of unequal, not similar, which...

Definition of ethnicity

Ethnicity means a group that is culturally homogeneous. From the Greek ethnos, people who have the same ethos, custom, and also have the same origin, culture, language, religion, etc. The term ethnicity is not synonymous with...

Meaning of Hosanna in Heights

Hosanna in the heights is a term from both Latin and Hebrew, and means “Save us, we implore you”, or “I implore you”. Hosanna on high is a prayer to God, and it means: “...

meaning of paradox

Paradox is a statement contrary to the prevailing opinion or to a principle accepted as valid. The term also means lack of nexus or logic. For example, when writer Oscar Wilde claims...

meaning of religion

Religion is a faith, a devotion to everything that is considered sacred. It is a cult that brings man closer to entities to whom supernatural powers are attributed. It is a belief that people seek to...

meaning of CEO

CEO is the English acronym for Chief Executive Officer, which means Executive Director in Portuguese. CEO is the person with the highest authority in an organization's operational hierarchy. He is responsible for...

Definition of Psychopath

A psychopath is a clinically perverse individual who has a psychopathic personality, with severe mental disorders. A psychopath is a person who suffers from a mental disorder, a psychopathy that affects their...

Definition of Sociology

Sociology is the science that studies the relationships between people who belong to a community or to the different groups that make up society. It is a science that belongs to the group of social sciences and...

meaning of hypocrite

A hypocrite can be a person who has hypocritical attitudes, or a false person, pretending, who does things that he actually wouldn't do, in another situation. Regarding the origin of the word, it comes from...

meaning of faith

Faith is a word that means "trust", "belief", "credibility". Faith is a feeling of total belief in something or someone, even though there is no evidence to prove its veracity...


Latest Meanings (136)

Definition of Blue FlowerBlue flower means dream, utopia, mystery and infinity. It became a symbo...

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Latest Meanings (137)

Definition of LustLust is the term used to designate greed or appreciation for material goods, as...

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Latest Meanings (138)

Meaning of ConcessionConcession is a feminine noun from the Latin "concessio" which means permiss...

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