Meaning of Expectation (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Expectation is the state or quality of expect something or something that is viable or likely that happens; a big desire or craving for receiving news or witnessing an event that is beneficial or prosperous.

from latin spectate, the word expectation it is also used to designate the condition of someone who hopes for something that was based on promises or visibility to come true.

The feeling of expectation can only exist in the absence of reality, that is, when the object that motivates the expectation has not yet become viable and real, being just a condition present in the individual's desire for possession, for example.

Another characteristic necessary for the expectation to exist is the forecast, information or condition to sustain this hope, otherwise the so-called "expectation" would be nothing more than an "illusion" or Utopia.

Learn more about the meaning of Utopia.

Among the most common expectations of human life is the so-called "professional expectation", when someone is starting their career in the labor market or changes company and position and doesn't have certainties about their future, only hopes for better wage conditions and responsibility, for example.

Expectation and Reality

Expectation is an uncertain assumption, which is more or less influenced by realistic facts. Usually, when an individual expects or desires a lot for something or something and, eventually, the expectation does not fulfill reality, the feeling of disillusionment.

On the other hand, when reality exceeds expectations, it is said that a certain thing or situation "exceeded expectations".

Life expectancy

THE Life expectancy, also known as "hope of life", is a statistic that calculates the number of years that a given age group is expected to live, comparing the information from the Human Development Index (HDI) and the Mortality Rate of the location in which they are located. inserted.

Learn more about the meaning of Mortality rate it's from HDI.

Life expectancy in Brazil

In Brazil, the life expectancy of Brazilians is defined by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE.

According to data from the 2013 IBGE census, the life expectancy of Brazilians is 74.9 years, for both sexes. Life expectancy in Brazil between the years 2003 and 2013 increased by about 3 years.

See also the meaning of Hope.

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