Popular Meanings (201)

8 Signs to Identify a Jealous Person

A jealous person may struggle to be in a healthy relationship, where there is trust in the other person's relationship and feeling. Jealousy is a feeling that is part of...

Meaning of Social Psychology

Social psychology is a field of study in psychology that focuses on the analysis of an individual's behavior in relation to their social relationships. Social psychology is an area that is on the edge between...

Definition of Structure

Structure is how something is built or organized. Like the structure of a building, which is what sustains the construction, or the organizational structure of a company, with the layout of areas and...

meaning of scramble

Spoil means taking from a person something that is in their possession or his property. In dispossession, the person who has possession or ownership of the property loses possession of it. The expression is often used in...

meaning of laziness

Laziness is a feminine noun with origins in the Latin term pigritia, it is a characteristic or attitude that demonstrates little disposition to work, or aversion to work. It is also related...

meaning of rhombus

Rhombus is a figure in the field of geometry, a quadrilateral (four-sided) polygon that has all sides equal and two sharp angles and two obtuse. Also described as a rhombus, the diamond is classified...

Definition of Effluents

Effluents are residues from industries, sewage and rainwater networks, which are released into the environment, in the form of liquids or gases. The word effluent means one that flows...

Definition of Synovitis and Tenosynovitis

Synovitis is an inflammation of the synovial membrane of a joint, while tenosynovitis is an inflammatory or infectious process of the sheath that overlies the tendon (tendon sheath). The membrane...

meaning of vulture

Vulture is a species of small vulture, characteristic for feeding mainly on the flesh of dead animals in a state of putrefaction; carrion. Vultures are usually birds that inhabit the...

Definition of Monetization

Monetization means using something as a source of profit. The term is derived from the verb monetize which designates the act of turning something into money. Basically, anything (object, information,...

Meaning of Educate

Educating is the action of promoting education, which comprises all processes, institutionalized or not, that aim to transmit certain knowledge and behavior patterns in order to guarantee...

Meaning of USD

USD is the acronym for United States Dollar, which means United States Dollar, the American currency. The dollar is the country's official currency, but it is also used in several countries around the world, free of charge...

Definition of Ximbica

Ximbica is a term widely used in several Brazilian states, and its meaning varies from place to place. In some states, ximbica is an alcoholic beverage, in others it is an old car, in others it is a game...

Meaning of Hosts

Hostes is a term of Latin origin that designates a troop or an army corps. Originally, however, this word was listed as a synonym for enemy. From the Latin hostile (the same root...

Significance of Natural Sciences

Natural sciences are scientific subjects destined to the study of the general and fundamental characteristics of nature, as well as all the natural laws and rules that govern it. From the point of view of...

Popular Meanings (147)

Definition of HarlequinArlequina is the female version of the character who participated in the c...

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Popular Meanings (146)

Meaning of OppositeOpposite is a masculine adjective that refers to what is situated opposite, op...

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Popular Meanings (148)

Definition of Forever AloneForever Alone means “alone forever”. Forever Alone is a comic characte...

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