Office is an English word that means office. It has its origins in the Latin officium, being related to the scope of work. An office is a place, a room, a set of rooms or a building with the...
Emo comes from the term emotional hardcore, an '80s punk rock style of music characterized by melodic musicality. It comes from the English word emotion or emotional (emotion or...
Autarchy means absolute power. It is the type of government in which one person or a group of people concentrate power over a nation. Autarchy is when the State has full autonomy over itself, it is...
Neoplasm, also called tumor, is a form of cell proliferation not controlled by the body, with a tendency towards autonomy and perpetuation. The word "neoplasia" comes from the Greek, where neo = "new"...
Ritual is the set of practices established by traditions, customs or norms, which must invariably be observed in certain ceremonies. Ritual is a ceremony through which one...
Favela is a set of poorly built low-income housing without infrastructure (sewer, water supply, energy, health center, garbage collection,...
To ratify is to confirm, legitimize or approve, by a judicial or administrative authority, certain particular acts, so that they produce their proper legal effect. To approve is to admit...
Dentistry is the science that studies and treats diseases related to the stomatognathic system, formed by the face, oral cavity and neck. The professional trained in dentistry is the dentist or...
Odynophagia is pain during swallowing of food as it is passing through the esophagus to reach the stomach. The word "odinophagy" comes from the Greek terms Odyn = pain + Phagia = Action of eating. THE...
The epidermis is the most superficial layer of skin, located above the dermis, which acts as a protective barrier for the body. The word epidermis comes from the Greek terms Epi = over, above, and Derma =...
Assembly is a feminine noun that indicates the gathering or grouping of people who have a certain goal in common. The expression General Assembly indicates a meeting where the greatest...
Copyright is a copyright, literary property, which grants the author of original works exclusive rights to exploit an artistic, literary or scientific work, prohibiting...
Aggregate is a transitive verb that means to join with the other, to join something that already exists. For example: grouping people, incorporating new ideas, new techniques, inserting new elements, new information...
Aspect is the masculine noun that means the outer part of something, that which is visible. The expression physical appearance only indicates the physical appearance of someone. Also, an aspect...
The meaning of the acronym HC can refer to: Hospital das Clinicas (hospital center), Habeas Corpus (legal instrument) or even Hardcore (aggressive and exaggerated version of something). Clinical Hospital...