Latest Meanings (272)

Definition of Aerobic

The word aerobic means "with oxygen" or "in the presence of oxygen" and refers to everything that needs oxygen to survive. Aerobic or aerobic breathing needs the oxygen that is...

Definition of dysthanasia

Dysthanasia is the prolongation of the death process through extraordinary treatments that aim only to prolong the patient's biological life. The goal of dysthanasia is the maximum extension of life...

meaning of faithful

Faithful is an adjective of two genders that means loyal, sincere, upright, one who acts faithfully and who keeps his promises. Faithful is the one who does not change his behavior, who is firm,...

meaning of mission

Mission is a task, an assignment, a purpose, it is a specific function that is given to someone to do something, it is a commitment, a duty, an obligation to perform. Mission is a set of...

Definition of Orthothanasia

Orthothanasia, also called "passive euthanasia", consists in alleviating the suffering of a terminally ill patient by suspending treatments that prolong life but do not cure or improve...

Definition of Synergy

Synergy means cooperation, and is a term of Greek origin (synergy). Synergy is a work or effort to perform a given very complex task, and be able to achieve success in the end...

Meaning of 666

The number 666 is quoted in the Holy Bible as the number of the beast in Revelation 13:18. In the book of Revelation of St. John, God appears judging and destroying evil. In it appear images, figures and numbers...

meaning of subjective

Subjective is everything that is proper to the subject or relative to him. It is what belongs to the domain of your consciousness. It's something that is based on your individual interpretation, but it may not be valid...

Definition of Exemption

Exemption is the act or effect of exempting, that is, freeing, dismissing, releasing or exempting. It is a privilege that makes the individual exempt from certain obligations. The expression "have exemption"...

Flow meaning

Flow is the act or effect of flowing, of moving continuously, it is the constant flow of fluids in a conduit, it is the continuous traffic of cars or people on a street, it is the circulation of materials...

Definition of Quality

Quality is a subjective concept, it is the way of being, it is the property of qualifying the most diverse services, objects, individuals, etc. From Latin qualitate. Quality is related to perceptions of...

Definition of Basic Sanitation

Basic sanitation is the set of measures adopted in a region, in a city, to improve life and the health of the inhabitants, preventing physical factors with harmful effects from harming the people...

Definition of Macrocytosis

Macrocytosis is an increase in the size of red blood cells or erythrocytes, which are red blood cells. When these cells are enlarged in diameter, they are called macrocytic erythrocytes. In...

meaning of absent

Absent is an adjective that refers to what is not present, what did not attend or what is distant or distant in time and space Ex.: He was absent from training. In the figurative sense,...

meaning of leisure

Leisure means doing nothing, it is a word with origins in the Latin otiu. Leisure represents, for example, a break from work, school or college, a moment of leisure, to enjoy and rest. Idleness...

Popular Meanings (72)

meaning of rudeRude is an adjective that qualifies one who has not been cultivated, who is uneduc...

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Popular Meanings (73)

meaning of skullSkull is the name given to the set of bones in the skull and face and can symboli...

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Popular Meanings (74)

meaning of impiousImpio means inhuman, unnatural, insensitive. It is that person who has no mercy...

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