Neurosis it is a psychiatric condition that is characterized by difficulties in adaptation on the part of the individual, although he is able to work, study, get emotionally involved and be well-connected with the reality.
A person neurotic she is permanently in psychic conflicts that prevent her from enjoying existence in a pleasurable way.
Neurosis usually starts in childhood and follows the person throughout life, with a strong indication of psychotherapy for your treatment.
Character Neurosis
Freud deepened his studies on neuroses, their causes and symptoms. The psychoanalytic theories that explain this disorder were based on Freud's studies that consisted of using childhood memories to analyze matters of adult life.
Thus, character neurosis is a psychoanalytic concept that describes character traits sometimes related to the oral and anal phases of child development.
In the oral phase, aged between 0 and 1 year, the child's region feels the greatest pleasure in contact with the mouth. For this reason, the baby tends to put objects in his mouth.
During this period, for example, her main object of desire is the mother's breast, which, at the same time as she feeds, provides satisfaction to the child.
In the anal phase, from 2 to 4 years of age, the child discovers that he can control the sphincters and the area of greatest satisfaction is the anus. At this stage, the first notions of hygiene begin and the first tantrums begin.
In addition to being associated with stages of child development, character neurosis can also be explained by characteristics similar to the hysterical or obsessive character.
The signs of character neurosis are intermediate between normal behavior and neurotic symptoms. The term is not the most appropriate as it can include any personality and behavioral disorder.
Compensation Neurosis
Compensation neurosis are psychiatric symptoms that are induced, exacerbated or prolonged due to social or sociocultural policies. It is different from "compensation" as a psychological process.
It can occur among accident victims who are in litigation for legal compensation, war veterans who claim service-related pensions and psychiatric patients seeking disability benefits from insurance Social.
It is particularly common in societies that have accident, disability and disability insurance, special pensions for war veterans and workers' compensation.
Depressive Neurosis
Depressive neurosis is the absence of symptoms or signs of endogenous depression, due to its causal relationship with a a particular stressful situation or event and also because of its connection with a personality pattern maladaptive.
Neurosis and Psychosis
Psychosis is a mental disorder of organic or emotional origin, in which the ability to think, respond emotionally, remembering, communicating, interpreting reality and behaving appropriately is considerably impaired.
It is compromised to the point where it substantially interferes with the ability to meet the ordinary demands of life.
In neurosis, on the other hand, the individual has a difficulty in adapting caused by psychic conflicts that prevent him from living pleasantly.
However, he is able to work and relate to other people in an appropriate way, being well aware of the reality.
See also the meaning of:
- Hysteria;
- Obsession;
- Psychosis;
- Psychoanalysis;
- Disorder.