THE acupuncture is a therapeutic method originating in Traditional Chinese medicine, which consists in the stimulation of points specific skin through needles.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, this stimulation has the ability to regulate the energy flow which is responsible for the physiology of the human body.
The word "acupuncture" comes from the latin - accus means needle and puncture means to punch.
Oriental Concept of Acupuncture
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, vital energy, called "Qi", flows through energy channels in the body that connect the major organs, called meridians.
Along the meridians, there are specific points that, when stimulated, can influence and balance the vital energy "Qi".
According to Chinese Medicine, illness arises when the cyclical flow of Qi in the meridians is unbalanced or blocked.
Western Concept of Acupuncture
Western medicine defines acupuncture as the stimulation of specific points located on the surface of the skin, which has the ability to alter different
physiological conditions and biochemical in the body in order to obtain the desired effect.According to modern medicine, acupuncture points are areas of sensitivity, into which needles are introduced to stimulate various sensory receptors which, in turn, stimulate the nerves that send impulses to the hypothalamus and pituitary, located at the base of the brain.
It is proven that stimulation by acupuncture can release endorphins and neurotransmitters, thus increasing the production of neurotransmitters and neurohormones, improving blood flow and stimulating the immune system.
Effects and Indications of Acupuncture
At endorphins play an important role in the functioning of the hormonal system, in addition to being several times more potent than morphine, hence the indication and efficiency of acupuncture in the treatment of back pains, arthritis, infertility, etc.
In addition to relaxing the body, the substances released by acupuncture also act in the regulation of serotonin in the brain, so often the depression is treated with acupuncture.
Some of physiological effects The reduction of inflammation, the relief of pain and muscle spasms, and an increase in the number of defense cells observed in continuous acupuncture treatment.
Read about the Definition of Holistic Therapy.