Meaning of Effective (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Effective is an adjective that qualifies something or someone as able, productive, valid and safe to perform a certain function independently and without the assistance of third parties.

An effective person is one who acts effectively in their actions, that is, fulfills all planned goals and objectives with quality and success.

Some of the main synonymous with effective they are: competent, profitable, fruitful, useful, valid, secure, stable, active, capable, productive and profitable.

See also: meaning of Efficiency and Efficiency.

Etymologically, the word "effective" originated from the Latin efficax, which means “that performs” or “that operates”.

Efficient and effective

The meanings of efficient and effective are similar, but they have some differences in their meanings.

An efficient person is one who can do things with quality, while the effective individual is the one who know the right things to do, with the aim of completing a project or core objective.

In the work environment, a professional must maintain a balance between being efficient and effective, that is, knowing how to identify the right things to be done and doing them assertively.

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