Definition of Offshore (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Offshore is an English term and it means "away from the coast", in the Portuguese translation. In financial terms, it is called offshore one company that has its accounts in a different country of the one(s) where it carries out its activity.

the meaning of offshore it is also related to the activity (prospecting, drilling and exploration) of oil exploration companies operating off the coast.

In the sporting context, offshore is a motonautical sport where boats have great power and reach high speeds. At the surf, in turn, offshore is a term for the wind that blows from land to sea.

Tax heavens

The term offshore it has also appeared very frequently associated with companies or accounts opened in tax havens, which are sometimes used for illicit purposes and white collar crimes.

These banking establishments located abroad are not under the laws of the country from which the investment came.

In order to increase profits and gain greater competitiveness, some companies move their accounting headquarters to tax havens, so called because they have some features such as: low tax burden or even tax exemption, guarantee of absolute banking secrecy, political and legislative stability, business privacy and etc.

The main tax havens in the world are: Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Uruguay, Panama and Cayman Islands.

Learn more about the meaning of Tax heavens.

Offshore and Onshore

The services offshore, as said, are those made from the maritime coast of a given location. already the onshore they are known to be located on land, that is, far from the coast.

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