Meaning of Hair stylist (What it is, Concept and Definition)

hair stylist is an english term that means "hair stylist", in the literal translation into Portuguese.

O hair stylist is a professional trained to advise on trends in fashion, style and behavior related to hair and hairstyle.

In addition to knowing how to apply all the basic hairdressing techniques, the hair stylist Its function is to analyze in advance the profile of its customers in order to suggest the best cut and hairstyle option that suits each person's personality.

People interested in pursuing a career in hair stylist must take a vocational course to learn the basic and advanced principles of the profession.

In English, however, the term hair stylist is commonly used to designate the common hairdresser.

The professional responsible for giving consultations on the ideal hairstyle and cut for each client is known as hairdresser, in English.

The main difference between the hair stylist and a visagista is in the focus of the customer's image concern.

While the hair stylist focuses on fashion trends to apply to the client's lifestyle, the visagista thinks about the aspects that would enhance the personality of a particular individual, even if these characteristics are not in accordance with the standards of fashion or society, for example.

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