Meaning of Engagement (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Engagement is an English word that can mean "engagement" or "appointment", in the Portuguese translation.

O engagement is the English term for the period of betrothal, that is, a promise of marriage. This period extends from the engagement request to the wedding date.

Usually, to formalize a request for engagement use the calls engagement rings (Engagement rings), which must be worn on the ring finger of the right hand. After marriage, the ring passes to the left hand.

In the English language, this term can also be used in other contexts, assuming the meaning of involvement, participation, hiring, contract or hiring.

Example: "The Brazil has pursued a policy of engagement with Portugal” (“Brazil has a policy of involvement with Portugal”).

O engagement it is also used in the context of professional and study relationships, that is, the commitment that employees, companies and organizations have among themselves and among their customers.

It is said that a worker or student is engaged when he is committed to his tasks and goals, focusing enthusiastically on the work he must do.

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