Female empowerment is the act of grant the power of social participation to women, ensuring that they can be aware of the fight for their rights, such as full gender equality, for example.
Also known as “women's empowerment”, this action consists of positioning women in all social, political and economic fields.
Women's empowerment seeks the right of women to participate in public debates and make decisions that are important for the future of society, especially in aspects that are related to women.
Currently, there are several NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) and institutions that are dedicated to women's empowerment, mainly aiming at gender equality.
Learn more about the meaning of gender equality.
The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment (UN Women) has developed a list with 7 Basic Principles of Women's Empowerment in the social and professional scope:
- Establish gender-sensitive corporate leadership at the highest level.
- Treat all women and men fairly at work, respecting and supporting human rights and non-discrimination.
- Ensure the health, safety and well-being of all women and men who work in the company.
- Promote education, training and professional development for women.
- Support women's entrepreneurship and promote women's empowerment policies through supply chains and marketing.
- Promote gender equality through community-oriented initiatives and social activism.
- Measure, document and publish the company's progress in promoting gender equality.
The practice of women's empowerment should not just be for women, men also need to make sure that there is a broad equality between the positioning and participation of both genders in society and its other layers.
Learn more about the meaning of empowerment and gender inequality.