Master Plan: what it is, function, drafting and type of law

The Master Plan is the planning of a municipality that foresees measures that must be taken by the municipal government to arrive at the best possible planning for the city's needs.

Since 2001, planning is mandatory for all cities with more than 20 thousand inhabitants.

The Plan helps organize the city's growth, always considering local needs and improving the quality of life of the inhabitants.

What is the role of the Master Plan?

The function of a Master Plan is to be the basis that guides the creation of public policies in the municipality related to the urban development and growth. The document helps the government to make the right decisions to ensure the best possible planning for the city.

The Plan defines in detail which projects are most suitable to meet the needs of citizens and provide improvements in the population's quality of life.

The role of the Master Plan in the City Statute

The regulation of the Master Plan is in Law No. 10.257/2001 (City Statute), which determines the rules for the execution of urban policies in the municipalities.

According to the law, the functions of a Master Plan are:

  • ensure that investments are made in the sustainability of cities;
  • allow and encourage the participation of citizens and associations in the choice of public policies;
  • encourage cooperation between governments and the private sector to ensure benefits to the city;
  • plan the development of the municipality;
  • integrate the needs of the urban and rural sectors;
  • preserve and protect the environment;
  • regularize areas that are occupied by low-income citizens.

Definition and preparation of the Master Plan

The Master Plan is prepared by a team of various professionals, headed by a responsible architect.

For a Plan to be approved and executed, the municipality must complete the following steps:

  1. Analysis of the problems and characteristics of the municipality that need improvement measures or investments.
  2. Identification of key points and evaluation of detailed data on the policies that will be developed.
  3. Creation of measures that will be applied as a solution to the problems encountered.
  4. Preparation of the plan as required by law.
  5. Discussion, voting and approval of the Plan by councilors.

Voting and approval of the Master Plan must be done at the City Council. To be approved, the Plan must receive 2/3 of the votes of the councilors.

What type of law is in the Master Plan?

The Master Plan is established through the publication of a municipal law.

To learn more about municipal laws, see also the meaning of Organic Law.

What happens after approval?

Once the Plan is approved, it is used as a guide for the development of projects and public policies that determine in detail how the measures will be adopted and put into practice.

All projects created must comply with the basic measures determined in the Plan.

What policies should be envisioned?

According to the Federal Constitution, the Plan must contain the definition of the necessary measures for city organization to guarantee the social function of urban property (measures necessary to meet the needs of the population).

Some of the measures that must be provided for in a Master Plan are:

  • form of subdivision of land in the municipality;
  • policies to improve urban mobility;
  • new conditions of circulation and accessibility;
  • responsible use and according to the needs of unoccupied land and buildings;
  • basic sanitation improvements;
  • projects for growth and modernization of public transport;
  • rules and monitoring of responsible land use;
  • carrying out other necessary works.

The needs established in the Plan must also take into account the city ​​budget and should be included in budget forecasts, such as the multi-year plan and the budget law.

Master Plan Review

Master Plans must be reviewed at least every ten years to verify that needs are being met. Furthermore, it is in the review that new measures or needs that have arisen for the municipality can be included.

All changes made to the Plan must go through the same procedures required for its preparation.

What happens if the Master Plan is not fulfilled?

According to the City Statute, those responsible for non-compliance with the law can be prosecuted for administrative misconduct.

Both the mayor of the city and the councilors are responsible for carrying out the plan and can be held responsible for its non-compliance.

Understand more about the administrative dishonesty.

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