Anacoluto is a figure of speech in the Portuguese language that sets up a break in the syntactic structure of a sentence. Classified as a construction figure, the anacolutton consists of a “phrase...
Alliteration is a figure of speech in the Portuguese language, which characterizes the consecutive repetition of identical or similar consonant sounds, mainly in verses and sentences. A common example of usage...
Períphrase is a figure of speech in the Portuguese language, used to represent the use of an expression or phrase that indirectly corresponds to a given name or word. In the classification of...
Suit is the term used to name the graphic figures that make up the decks of cards. There are four types of suits that make up a deck of cards: diamonds, hearts, clubs and spades, each one being...
Understood is an adjective that means something that is tacit, that is understood, even though it is not expressed or stated. Something that is in the mind but has not been explicitly expressed. To imply is...
Mood is an emotional condition of human beings, related to their “state of mind”, mood and temperament. Unlike other emotional states, the mood is usually a feeling more...
P.S. is the acronym in Latin for post scriptum and it means “written after”, in Portuguese translation. Usually, this acronym is used at the end of some cards, in order to add...
Hors concours is an expression of French origin, which literally means “out of competition” or “out of competition” in Portuguese. Currently, hors concours is had...
Urbi et Orbi means "to the city of Rome and to the world" in Portuguese, and is a Latin term. Urbi et Orbi was the opening of Roman pronouncements and today is what the blessing of...
A priori is an expression used to refer to a principle prior to experience. A priori it is an adverbial phrase of the Latin language, which is not found in the language dictionary...
Lato sensu is a Latin expression that means "in a broad sense". It is used in other languages and areas such as Law, Linguistics, Semiotics and others, to refer that a certain interpretation...
Stricto sensu is a Latin expression meaning "in the strict sense". It is used to refer that a given interpretation must be understood in its strict sense. It is incorporated in others...
Alter ego is a noun phrase originating from the Latin "alter" (other) and "ego" (self) whose literal meaning is "the other self". The expression alter ego is another personality of the same person...
Ex positis is a Latin expression meaning "from what was exposed", "from the established things" or "what was established". This is an expression used mainly in the legal field, such as...
Semper fi or semper fidelis is a Latin expression that means “always faithful”, in Portuguese translation. This phrase is known to be the motto of the United States Marine Corps...