Latest Meanings (41)


Recording is a method of study or personal research that serves to record information about books, texts or articles. The entries help in understanding the content and also serve to...

Definition of Portfolio

Portfolio is a collection of work already done by a company or a professional. Many organizations have their portfolios separated by departments or business units. There are several...

Examples of TCC justification

The preparation of the justification is one of the starting points in the elaboration of the TCC. In it, the student has the opportunity to show the supervisor the importance of the work and its relevance to the area...

Definition of Methodology

Methodology is a word derived from “method”, from the Latin “methodus” whose meaning is “way or the way to accomplish something”. Method is the process to achieve a certain...

Definition of Scientific Methodology

Scientific methodology is the study of the methods or instruments necessary for the elaboration of a scientific work. It is the set of techniques and processes used for research and...

Qualitative research

Qualitative research is a research approach that studies subjective aspects of social phenomena and human behavior. The objects of qualitative research are phenomena that occur in...

5 Attitudes of those who are proactive

A person who is proactive is someone who has a great ability to solve problems quickly. In general, a proactive person usually has the ability to notice a problem early on or sooner...

meaning of my best

My best in the English language has the meaning of “my/my best”. My is a possessive pronoun and means mine or mine. Best means better and is superlative of the adjective good. For example: “he is...

meaning of coarse

Crude means rude, clumsy or something in its raw state. It's a term that applies to both people and things. When used to qualify people, it can acquire the meaning of coarse, rough...

Cohesion and Coherence

Coherence and cohesion are two fundamental mechanisms for text production. Cohesion is the mechanism related to elements that ensure the connection between words and sentences, in order to interconnect...

meaning of guy

Guy (pronounced gai ) is used informally in English with the meaning of “dude”, as slang for so-and-so. For example: "He is the guy we met some days ago". (He's the guy we met a few years ago...

Article meaning

In grammar, the article is the class of words that precedes the noun to determine it in a particular or general way. There are two types of article s: Defined articles: o, os, a, as; Undefined articles: um,...

Meaning of Afro-Brazilian Culture

Afro-Brazilian culture is the set of predominant cultural manifestations in Brazil, formed by from the junction of elements of the culture of African peoples who were brought as slaves to the parents...


The orixás are deities of Yoruba African mythology who became popular in Brazil with the African-based religions Umbanda and Candomblé. Yoruba is a region of Africa made up of diverse groups...


Umbanda is a Brazilian religion resulting from the mixture of elements of African, indigenous, oriental and European religions (Catholicism and Kardecist spiritism). For its mestizo appearance and...

Latest Meanings (166)

meaning of thicknessThickness is the same as thickness, that is, the condition of something that ...

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Latest Meanings (168)

Definition of EbenezerEbenezer means stone of help, or gratitude, is a term in Hebrew. Ebenezer i...

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Popular Meanings (171)

Definition of NeocolonialismNeocolonialism represents the political, economic, cultural and socia...

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