Unconditional love means full, complete, absolute love, which does not impose conditions or limits on loving oneself. Those who love unconditionally do not expect anything in return. Love comes first. O...
It is customary to give the name of true love to a very strong feeling of affection between two people. This feeling is so intense that it is able to unite these two people under any circumstances, even...
Feeling of guilt or remorse Psychopaths do not feel remorse. After transgressing social norms, psychopaths are not tormented by the so-called "voice of conscience", which keeps telling us that...
Asylum is the name given to a psychiatric establishment or hospital that specializes in treating people with mental problems. The asylum, also known as a hospice, houses people with different...
Myth are narratives used by ancient Greek peoples to explain facts of reality and phenomena of nature, the origins of the world and human beings. Myths use a lot of symbology,...
Political science is the discipline that is dedicated to studying the political systems, institutions, processes and phenomena in a given government or state. This is an area that seeks to understand the...
Qualitative and quantitative research are complementary methods of scientific investigation in order to gather data and opinions. These are the two types of approaches to a survey and both are...
Bibliography is a generalized term to designate the list of reference sources used in researching a particular topic for the preparation of a written work. The purpose of a bibliography is...
Justification is any evidence or cause that confirms the veracity and occurrence of a fact or the justice of an action taken. It refers to every action that can support a supposed hypothesis...
Theoretical framework is a summary of discussions carried out by other authors and authors on a given subject. It serves as a foundation and articulation with the theme developed in scientific works and...
Theoretical foundation or Theoretical framework is one of the elements of scientific research that consists of reviewing texts, articles, books and all relevant material in the area or subject studied...
Field research is one of the stages of the scientific research methodology that corresponds to observation, collection, analysis and interpretation of facts and phenomena that occur within their niches, scenarios...
Deductive method is an information analysis process that uses logical reasoning and deduction to reach a conclusion about a given subject. In this process, the reasoning...
TCC is the acronym for Course Completion Work, a mandatory academic work and instrument for the final evaluation of a higher course. It is prepared in the form of a dissertation, aiming at...
Documentary research is a type of research that uses primary sources, that is, data and information that have not yet been treated scientifically or analytically. Documentary research has objectives...