Meaning of Fear (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Fear is a feeling that is characterized by fear and insecurity in the face of an event considered negative. As a rule, fear is always accompanied by a certain level of fear.

O fear and fear they are two emotions that are usually related but have slightly different meanings. Fear is understood as something imminent, that is, it refers to an immediate situation and, consequently, a temporary one. On the other hand, fear is more comprehensive, involving fears that are permanent or unrelated to a specific occasion.

Example: "She's Afraid of Cockroaches" | "He is afraid of not passing the test."

The word fear is the inflection in the 1st person singular of the Present Indicative of verb to fear.

See also:meaning of fear.

Synonyms of fear

Some of the main synonyms for fear are:

  • Seizure;
  • Concern;
  • Unrest;
  • Affliction;
  • Fear;
  • Fear;
  • Anguish;
  • Torment;
  • Uncertainty;
  • Schism;
  • Distrust.

The main ones antonyms of fear are: tranquility; mood; courage; confidence; impassivity; ease and recklessness.

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