Popular Meanings (215)

Definition of Laissez-faire

Laissez-faire is a French expression that literally means "letting go", and is considered a symbol of the liberal economy defended by capitalism. According to economic liberalism, the State...

meaning of titans

Titans were gods from Greek mythology who had to face Zeus and the Olympian gods in their rise to power. There are several Greek poems about this war between the gods and the titans, where just...

meaning of in vain

In vain means uselessly, in vain. By saying that something is useless, the subject indicates that it is unnecessary, useless, that it is useless and will be wasted. It can be associated with that...

Definition of Protagonist

Protagonist is the character or individual who has the most prominent role in works in which it is possible to build a plot, such as movies, books, plays, etc. It is, then, an element...

Meaning of Get Fucked

Get fucked is a popular slang meaning you'll get screwed, and it's used when someone is pestering. You'll get screwed is used both as a reprimand and a warning, in order to help...

Definition of Fusion

Fusion is the effect or act of merging. In the field of thermal physics, this term refers to the process of transforming the solid state into a liquid state, based on the action of heat. So that there is...

Meaning of Insolent

Insolent is an adjective of two genders in the Portuguese language, used to characterize someone who is disrespectful in their actions or what they say to other people. There is another meaning for the...

Definition of Volcanism

Volcanism is the activity whereby magnetic material is expelled from the Earth's interior to the surface. The volcano is the mountain formed from the eruptions of larvae (magmatic material in...

Definition of Pentagon

Pentagon is a geometric figure formed by five angles and sides. It is also the name of the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, symbol of the US Armed Forces. In geometry studies,...

Promise meaning

A promise is the commitment to do something. A person who promises something means he is committed to it. A promise is understood as a vow or a declaration made to another party,...

meaning of absent

Absent is an adjective that refers to what is not present, what did not attend or what is distant or distant in time and space Ex.: He was absent from training. In the figurative sense,...

meaning of tied hands

Hands tied is a popular expression used to indicate that a person is being prevented from acting, from taking any initiative, from taking any action to solve or solve a problem. " Be with...

Definition of economic blocks

Economic blocs consist of the union of different countries that wish to establish a strengthened economic relationship with each other. The economic blocks aim to facilitate trade between...

meaning of tacit knowledge

Tacit knowledge is a subjective and individual model of knowledge, acquired through the particular experiences and experiences of each person. The word tacit originated from the Latin tacitus,...

meaning of nth

Nth is the number that occupies a position n within a sequence, and can assume any value as an ordinal number. It is a variable in mathematics and physics, and its value will depend on...

Popular Meanings (4)

Christian Easter: meaning, origin and dateThe Christian Easter is one of the most important festi...

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Adriano Padilha (Master in Communication, Art and Culture)

Adriano Padilha has a degree in Social Communication, specialization in Journalism (Universidade ...

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Latest Meanings (7)

SynapseThe synapse is the region responsible for carrying out communication between two or more n...

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